Email convert to case
Can we have the pop-up box for email to case convert customizable? We would like subject field to become mandatory for us which is mandatory on the case form for us.
Request to make Case Subject more user-friendly for service agents
Request to rework the Case Subject entity to make it more user-friendly for service agents. Missing features for the current Case Subject entity: - Textual search --> being able to type in the subject lookup field (so a service agent doesn't need to drill-down the whole tree every time again) -...
Thank you for your feedback.
Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Activity table attachments in timeline on Case
When working a Case the ability to view related activities in the timeline is essential.
When working with other activities than Email e.g. Portal Comment you have to open the record to check if there is any attachment and view it through Notes displayed in Portal Comment timeline.
...Not possible for various reasons
Make Case Activities Closure Dialog Optional
When using the customised dialog experience for Case Resolution, we may not need to see the 'Open Activities dialog' when resolving or cancelling a case, this is the dialog that warns that there are X amount of open activities and the user can close them a...
Thanks for the feedback. This idea is not under roadmap. Keep voting for this idea to be considered.
PM, Microsoft
Convert case to opportunity
When a company has both a customer service and sales function - it's not uncommon for customer service agents to receive cases that would be best referred to sales people. The ability to covert a case to an opportunity OOTB would be useful for this scenario.
Thanks for your feedback. We need more votes for this idea to be considered.
Product Manager, Microsoft
Customizable alerts for cases
It would be nice to have the ability for configuration of custom notifications for users regarding the selection of cases from queues. For instance -- if a queue item is present in the queue for a certain duration of time -- pop-out a notification in the CRM ribbon indicating an action is require...
Thank you for your feedback.
You can use Power Automate to build notification alerts.
Realtime workflow process - can be triggered by Team not just user/Organisation.
When you assign a case to user and user assign that case to a Team, it should trigger the flow (in my case on assignment i am sending mail to user,) in asynchronous mode the i can be able to assign the case to the Team, but not in Realtime workflow flow.
It would be great it c...
You can send automated email notifications to the users/team when a case is assigned to them by using Power Automate.
PM, Microsoft
ReUse PCF control(SelectionTreeView) of Subject Field
We do have Subject as a Hierarchy type of System Entity in CRM. Subject lookup field is always present on Case forms for the purpose to solve the type of issues. This subject field contains OOB PCF control ("SelectionTreeView Control") in bac...
Thanks for your feedback. This is not on our roadmap. We would request to keep voting for this to be considered.
PM, Microsoft.
Merge Cases from "Form" instead of "View"
The current way of merging cases is to go to a "View" and select two cases, then choose the "Merge" button at the top of the menu. This is ok when dealing with low volume of cases, however when there are a lot of cases, it means that a custom view needs to be created by the user to find these...
Thank you for your feedback.
Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Product Manager, Microsoft.
Auto numbering ability with Date Time in local time zone (as per Customer Time Zone)
Need ability to include the local time zone in the auto numbering for Date Parameter.
Say, if the case number should follow the format: CAS-YYMMDD-XXXX, where CAS is a static prefix, YYMMDD represents the case creation date in local time, and XXXX is a 4-digit sequence number...
Thanks for your valuable feedback. This idea is under consideration.
Product Manager,