Need to see Description in the View without Html Tags- content of the body of the Email
Need to see Description in the View without Html Tags-
content of the body of the Email.
Since its has html tags because of the rich text, we need plain text format in the view
Realtime workflow process - can be triggered by Team not just user/Organisation.
When you assign a case to user and user assign that case to a Team, it should trigger the flow (in my case on assignment i am sending mail to user,) in asynchronous mode the i can be able to assign the case to the Team, but not in Realtime workflow flow.
It would be great it c...
Add Custom Time Duration to Choice or Allow manual input.
Currently it only has preset of timing in the Total time when we add any activity or resolving case like 1,5,15,30,45... We want to add our custom choices to in that one.
Need a config to Set From Field with queue based on the user Owning team when reply to customers.
Need a config to Set " From" Field with queue Email Address based on the user Owning team when reply to customers.
When you reply to customer not every one need to send from their personal address instead we are using queue.
If there is config...