Support for CE
Many of our customers have CE integrations with D365 FO. Currently one of the major drawbacks to RSAT, and why our customers seek other automated testing solutions is so they can perform integration testing between the two systems, e.g. create a quotation in CE and validate it in FO. Additional...
Parallel RSAT run
There should be possibility to run parallel more than one test case or test suit. It will be useful especially when you have to run many test cases and you don't have a lot of time,
Update Browser driver independent of play back a test suite
At the moment, i run in the windows scheduler on my Cloud-Hosted-Environment (CHE) the following task at startup or daily: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Regression Suite Automation Tool\Microsoft.Dynamics.RegressionSuite.ConsoleApp.exe" /settings "C:\RSAT\RSAT_Chrome.settings" playbacksuite /updatedri...
RSAT extension in Azure Devops - allow multiple test suite IDs in Build task
Using Azure Devops RSAT Extension to configure and maintain pipelines is very helpful, especially for non-technical test managers on customer's side. It does not require writing powershell scripts and new test suites can be easily added. Currently we need to configure a separate Build task for ea...
Product configurator should be supported for regression testing with RSAT
End to end testing is a crucial scenario for regression testing. We use the product configurator for about 50% of our business processes (made to measure production). Currently RSAT is not supporting the code which is used for the interaction of the GUI (Javascript according to support team). ...
Support for Product Configurator is added with Regression Suite Automation Tool in release 2.7.
Conditions for test case
It will be useful when there will possibility to add conditions when particular test case is performed. We can use it eg. to workflow. Example: check if(Variable='Approved', true, false,120,3) --> if Variables = Approved then this test case is performed, in other ways wait 120 seconds and check...
Automated performance testing with RSAT
With Visual Studio load testing being deprecated and the simplicity and power of RSAT empowering customers to achieve more themselves with this fantastic 'low code no code' solution, I think it's a good opportunity for RSAT to step forward as the new official automated performance testing solutio...
Upload file
RSAT Tool should have possibility to upload file in order to test eg. import bank statement or add attachment to vendor invoice.
Security Roles support in RSAT
Since RSAT allows you to chain test cases it would be good to make the test case parameter file to support security roles apart from users. As it currently stands, it is difficult to test a test suite with different roles, for example, the purchase requisition flow with an approval workflow, whic...
Create new taskrecording directly from Rsat
Add the possibility to create a new taskrecording directly from Rsat: - Open application - Open taskrecording pane and create new recording with same name as test case - After finishing the recording save the recording to the local rsat test case id folder and automatically generate the execution...
This work is planned to be added. The most recent RSAT 2.4 hotfix release has added this to the CLI command, and plans is shipping a new version of the Azure DevOps extension where adding more suites here will be possible too.