Many of our customers have CE integrations with D365 FO. Currently one of the major drawbacks to RSAT, and why our customers seek other automated testing solutions is so they can perform integration testing between the two systems, e.g. create a quotation in CE and validate it in FO. Additionally, because of the structure of CE it lends itself to being customized much more easily than FO, which in turn means it tends to be customized more often and more extensively.

The result is additional need for automated testing on the CE platform, which there currently is none available from Microsoft.
Needs Votes



Using RSAT with CE will be a huge help.

Category: Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT)


You have my vote for support for CE for this!

Category: Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT)


Support for CE would be great!

Category: Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT)


Need functionality like RSAT for FNO would be an incredible help for our processes.

Category: Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT)