Upload file
RSAT Tool should have possibility to upload file in order to test eg. import bank statement or add attachment to vendor invoice.
After creating recording by means of task recorder, there should be possibility to add conditions, which allow us to decide which step should be next or if step should be done. For example: 1. Enabled = if {VendorGroup} = 10 --> this step is perform if variable = VendorGroup equals 10 2. Next st...
Conditions for test case
It will be useful when there will possibility to add conditions when particular test case is performed. We can use it eg. to workflow. Example: check if(Variable='Approved', true, false,120,3) --> if Variables = Approved then this test case is performed, in other ways wait 120 seconds and check...
Parallel RSAT run
There should be possibility to run parallel more than one test case or test suit. It will be useful especially when you have to run many test cases and you don't have a lot of time,