Extending the Gender Enum to handle Transgender Employees
Requirement for Non-Binary or change to of Not Specified label as more requests from HR Departments
Years of service indication (via parameter)
Hi, The Years of service indication in new enhanced worker form, is very nice but it is referring to the start date of the latest employment. In most cases you want to see the years of service of the seniority date. It would therefore make more sense to make it configurable via a parameter, so...
This feature has been delivered as part of 2021 Release, Wave 1 and should be in all production environments. The feature will need to be enabled in Feature management.
A custom field on position detail is not available in 'Manage changes' of the position
This functionality will roll out with the 3/22/2021 release and should be in all environments by the end of the first week in April.
Enable Rehire process by HR with the Employee view parameter 'restricted to legal entity' activated
With the parameter 'Restrict access to worker information by legal entity' in the Human resources shared parameters activated, the form 'Workers without employment' does not display any records, as these workers do not have an employment in any legal entity. Currently only system administrators c...
This feature has been delivered as of April 6, 2021. You can read the details here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/human-resources/hr-personnel-workers-without-employment
Job Position CDS entity to export future effective dated records
The Job Position CDS entity does not export future effective dated records. We are trying to build a flow to automate the creation of an AAD user account for new hires and this task needs to be done ahead of the new hire's start date. Given that the Job Position CDS entity does not currently expo...
We’re pleased to announce the completion of this functionality. For more information, see Expand Dynamics 365 Human Resources core data in Microsoft Dataverse This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Display NEVER instead of January 2155 on employee master data
Display NEVER instead of January 2155 on Work history of the employee master data (with streamlined employee entry feature enabled) in case a user is in a tiime zone different to UTC to make HR more user friendly.
This was change was checked in on 12/10/2020 and should be available in all instances. If you are not seeing the change, please reach out to me directly. shielas@microsoft.com
Ability to display Known as name on People workspace and Worker master
Some clients like to create custom 'Display as' values that contain a worker's "Known as" name to show in the system. At the moment it seems like the system will only use the First and Last name in the People workspace. This can be confusing when searching for colleagues. Admins should have the a...
This functionality has been delivered in Dynamics 365 Human Resources on the Finance Infrastructure - please see the feature details here. Worker header control - Human Resources | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Past Workers Detail: Display directly record of last employment
The last employment record should be displayed when going into the details of a 'Past Worker'. Currently, you must first check the date of the last employment in 'Employment history' and then enter this date in 'As of date' to get the last valid employment details displayed.
This idea has been completed. In the streamline employee entry form, the employees prior employment is displayed under the work history tab without the need to enter in the 'As of' date. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/human-resources/stream-employee-entry#work-history
Goals Indirect View
Upper level management should be able to see the goals for Lower level management (reporting to middle level management). For eg. there are 3 employees, A,B and C. B reporting to A and C reporting to B. From ESS page "A" should be able to see "C's" goals ( by clicking team of "B", B's direct r...
Thank you for your suggestion. We’re considering this functionality for a future release. This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Display Name on Streamline Employee Feature
When the new Streamelined employee view feature is enabled the display name on the employee record does not honour what has been selected in the "display as" field. The default is First Name, Last Name. When the feature is disabled, the employee name appears on the record as selected in the "d...
This functionality has been delivered in Dynamics 365 Human Resources on the Finance Infrastructure - please see the feature details here. Worker header control - Human Resources | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
We’re pleased to announce the completion of this functionality in version 10.0.25. For more information, see Human Resources home page - Human Resources | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn . This posting is provided “as is” with no warranties, and confers no rights.