Course Registration
Employee should be able to click in the link of the open courses to see the details. Right now if he access the course through his/her ESS Page, he would only see the course title, dates, Agenda, hotels but "not" course description, Target audience, objectives, instructors etc.
Once the employee has set up the goals, the screen should be locked. No one should edit the goals once saved, otherwise if employee has set up the goals and manager has accidentally deleted or edited the goals, how will the employee come to know.
Goal - Measurement
The measurement in the goal consist of date, financial target, currency, rating model. It will be great if we can add description with the measurement in the goal section. Employee might have different measurements for each goal so it will be better if we can add few words to each measurement ...
It will be a good idea to add description besides the measurement so that an employee can add few words to describe his measurement.
Goal - Measurement
In Measurement under Goals it would be helpful if there is an option to write few words against each measurement. This will help users to segregate each goal with description. It helps in better understanding for the measurement.
Adding comments on the Tasks
There should be an option to add comments (free text) in the assigned task for an employee. They can add their comments if they want to add a note for their Human Resource department or their managers.
Questionnaire should not be restricted to entity. It is generally used for feedback purpose mainly for a course. It is a time taking task to create multiple questionnaires for a single purpose.