Currency revaluation different profit/loss exchange rate account by module
Revaluation accounts are the same whatever the module from which Revaluation is run. Different ledger accounts for Profit/loss exchange rate should be based on module. (Account payable, Account Receivable, General ledger (monetary and non monetary)
Bank transactions mark as new are posted at bank statement creation date
On Bank statement, posting date cannot be selected for transactions mark as
new. Then transactions is posted at bank statement creation date.
When bank statement line is created with May30th, accounting distributions form is showing accounting date with today's date. The expected ...
This is delivered as part of February 2023 release.
Bank statement reconciliation report
Advanced bank reconciliation has been designed but no bank statement report provides clear information.
Bank statement report is required base on cutoff date. This report should have option to detail
* reconciled transactions
* Un-reconciled transactions
Customer sh...
Bank reconciliation report will be redesigned in 2024 wave 1. Enhanced bank reconciliation statement report | Microsoft Learn
Add Ability to apply a specific exchange rate type for AR and AP foreign currency revaluation processes
D365 should allow to apply a specific exchange rate type for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable foreign currency revaluation processes. Currently, for AR and AP foreign currency revaluation processes, D365 considers only the exchange rate type setup in the General Ledger module (Ledger f...
This idea is supported in 10.0.39. Refer to What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 Finance 10.0.39 (April 2024) - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn for detail.
EBICS and/or FTP for vendors/customers payments
The ability to create elctronic payment files with D365 is great. But these files can still be edited before being uploaded to the bank, so the risk of fraud is still there. Can D365 FO iclude a setup to be able to transfer the file through EBICS protocol, and also a setup to drop the files on a ...
AP/AR Invoice Netting
D365 Finance should have the ability to perform invoice netting between a customer account that is also a supplier account. The functionality is already available for Hungary and Poland (called customer/vendor compensation) but this hasn't been filtered out to other regions. Invoice netting is ...
This feature will be delivered in 10.0.38.
Enable postings from bank statement
In the bank management, the Central European way of posting payments is not supported at all.
In Central Europe, instead of performing bank reconciliation, all bank transactions are posted directly based on bank account statement lines. However the possibility to import and post stateme...
Settle bank statement with open customer invoices in advanced bank reconciliation feature will be delivered in 10.0.38 to cover this idea.
Dimension posting option needed Foreign currency revaluation for Bank
Multiple entries are created during bank foreign currency revaluation. Repro steps: 1. Go to Cash and Bank Management > Periodic 2. Foreign Currency Revaluation 3. Revalue a bank account in foreign currency. 4. System creates multiple entries for revaluation. The current process does not hav...
This feature is delivered in 10.0.36.
Penny difference transaction (settlement of original customer balance main account in case of underpayment) should inherit financial dimensions from the original customer balance transaction
Penny difference functionality does not behave consistently, depending on how many financial dimensions are used for posting the original customer balance transaction. Financial dimensions for main account for posting type “penny difference in accounting currency” in some cases are...
Cashbook transactions, reconciled against each other, should be viewed in Reconciliation relations
Cashbook transactions, the transactions that do not appear on the bank statement, for example, when cheque has been raised and then cancelled internally, cannot be viewed in Reconciliation relations for audit purpose and their reconciliation cannot be cancelled. Cashbook transactions can be ea...
Thrilled to announce that granular currency revaluation posting profile to allow you to define different ledger accounts for currency revaluation adjustment per module (GL, AP, AR and Bank). The feature planned to released in APP 10.0.32.
Mohamed Aamer
Product Manager, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance