Add Ability to apply Intercompany Projects in Travel Requisition form
D365 should allow, in Travel Requisition form, to display a list of projects from another companies. The same/similar functionality to the existing one in Expense Report form is required, where the user can change the legal entity and choose an inter-company project if necessary. • Travel requi...
Add ability to use Mobile App for D365 vendor line level WF approvals
The Mobile App for D365 vendor approvals should support line level WF approvals. Not only header level approvals as in the current design.
(Polish localization): Improvements required for SAF Bank statements report if the Advanced bank statement reconciliation parameter is being enabled
In the current design of D365, SAF Bank statements XML file does not include detailed transactions settled on bank statements (when Advanced bank statement reconciliation feature is being used). There is a need to include the advanced bank statement reconciliation transactions (from BankDocument...
(POL): Free text invoice correction - link between original invoice and credit note is necessary
When using “Correct invoice” function from free text invoice form in D365, the additional tab “Credit note” (with the original invoice number presented) must be added. This is required by polish regulation to have a link between original invoice and credit note.
Improvements needed for Standard Audit File - Inventory (JPK_MAG) generation
Customers expect the possibility of generating Standard Audit File - Inventory (JPK_MAG) in a single run, for all warehouses in each legal entity.
(POL) New feature for the ratio of the structure of VAT for Sales tax receivable required
New improvements in D365 are required, regarding the ratio of the structure of VAT for Sales tax receivable process: • There should the possibility to set separate accounts for non-deductible part of the VAT to be posted • Also, a new feature is needed that will allow to setup sales tax code valu...
Improvements needed for changing status of sales document = Fiscal Receipt in D365 FO
In current design of D365 when using "Status change" option on customer Invoice Journal for sales document = “Fiscal receipt”, after adding/changing the data of the original customer to a new/ different one, there is no tax consequences at all. What is required is a new functionality, that will t...