Incoming MS Teams Call recognizes D365 Sales contact.
If there is an incoming call via MS Teams, D365 contact (e.g. through or within teams) should open with the number and the contact details of the dailer (Account/Company, Opportunities, Activities,Website ...). After the call an activity is documented. This should also be possible for missed call...
PowerPoint templates
We would like to be able to create PowerPoint templates from Dynamics just like Word or Excel. Nowadays PowerPoint templates are more and more used in sales meetings with customers and it would be great if they could be automatically personalized with data from Dynamics :)
Ability to export the only selected records to excel from the current View
We are unable to export the only selected records from the current view.
It exports all the records that are showing on the current page, filtering the view is somehow limited.
Please have the ability to export the only selected records from the selected view to excel.
Mass Update of records via Excel
The ability to export a group of records, such as contacts or accounts, modify entire columns in order to support an updated grouping or filter, and then re-import the updated records would be valuable to users and to support departments.
- Teams which had inconsistently used CRM re...
Thank you for your feedback.
We released this feature as part of the functionality in 9.0 .
Please refer to the following link for more information:
Feature that columns locked in Dynamics 365 cannot be edited via Excel import
Currently, it is possible to edit records of locked columns in Dynamics 365 by Excel import.
This is because the client (Dynamics 365) logic does not apply to Excel.
However, from an end-user's perspective, it seems strange that locked columns can be edited via import.
We thi...
Set the order of recurring items in word template
Whenever you create a word template from a record, you cannot set the order in which recurring items need to be displayed. Let say for example when you create a word template from an invoice and you have product bundles. The products inside the bundle are not shown under te parent product of that...
TEAMS Dialer: Possibility to turn OFF autimaticaly created phone call activities
When there is an incoming phone call and TEAMS DIALER is enabled the system creates automatically a phone call activity, as soon as you accept the call.
The same behaviour happens, when you're making an outgoing phone call and the person picks up the phone.
Restoration of the "Export Selected Records" feature in SharePoint document grid
As of 1/12/2022, the SharePoint document grid in Dynamics 365 Online had an "Export Selected Records" feature.
Thanks to this feature, only selected SharePoint document records could be exported.
However, on 1/17/2022, this feature was hidden.
So, if we want to export SharePo...
Support Word Conditional Formatting in Document Templates
When creating Word Documents using a Document Template - please support conditional formatting defined in the Word Document. For instance, as Dynamics 365 Sales does not support Word templates with conditional formatting, we cannot configure an IF clause saying that if 'address1_line2' is empty,...
Function for checking the number of exported excel data on audit log.
Customers expecting to know the number of exported excel data on audit log. This Function will be needed to provide support in terms of security management.
Revathi Sankar
PM, D365 Sales