Event registration form - group sessions by session track
On registration forms, our event managers would like to display each session track with the associated sessions under it. It's essential that attendees register for the correct track (for CPE reasons) and displaying the tracks/grouping sessions under them would make it much easier.
Define Lead Source for Leads created via Event registration form
Currently when a customer registers for an event and the option "Create Leads for event registrations" is selected, no Lead Source will be set for the newly created lead. However the field Originating Event gets prefilled.
This results in difficulties when analyzing leads or d...
Set a last registration date for form registration to event
It should be possible to set a last date for when the registration to an event is cancelled, for events in RTM. At least from the event registration form where a participant registers themselves to the event. An event administrator in Dynamics should be able to manage the participants even aft...
Print Event Registrations QR codes
Need to export event registration QR codes of an event for sending them to a printing house to be printed in event badges. The QR code would be used for a fast registration check-in and for quick lead creation during the event.
Register multiple people per event registration
I’m surprised no one has suggested this, at least I couldn’t find it, but the ability to register more than one person per event registration would be nice. For example, if I’m registering for a fundraising event and I’m bringing my partner as a guest.
Meeting option ‘Green Room’ in Dynamics 365
Currently, the Green Room in Dynamics 365 cannot be activated or deactivated when creating a webinar. The setting does not even exist in Dynamics 365.
It would be great to add this function to the meeting options so that the setting can be taken into account directly when creating an ev...
Management of Paid Events
The University of Turku needs to be able to manage paid events in Customer Insights - Journeys. The event management must also have the possibility of a waiting list and cancellation of event participation. These are critical functions that should be standard in a modern event management syste...
Allow more than one registration form per event
We would like the option to be able to have more than one event registration form per event, to allow different data/detail to be captured from different audiences (existing contacts vs new).
Teams Webinar functionality in Customer Insights - Journeys should be the same as when created in Teams
Hello -
It seems that Teams Webinars (created from Teams) has updated functionality that is not included in the Teams Webinar that gets created through Event Management of Customer Insights - Journeys.
For example, Webinar created through Teams includes a "S...
Set up multiple organizers for Teams webinars
Currently, when creating a webinar as an event, only one organizer can be set up.
Although co-sponsors can be set from Teams after the event is created, it would be more convenient for users if all co-sponsors could be set at once during the event registration process in Dynamics 365.