Backup and restore
Users make mistakes in their daily work and it is not unusual for a member of the finance team to upload a lot of wrong data or delete data. Running year end without completing all the data changes is another common mistake. Not being able to perform an on demand backup prior to performing a d...
Automation API call for installing Apps from AppSource
We have an automation app for installing custom apps but we still need to manually add apps that are published via AppSource manually. In order to be able to provision Business Central for particular verticals or using a configuration type approach could we have a call which allows us to specify...
Best regards,
Business Central Team
Please notify us of minor environment upgrades in advance.
Currently, major version upgrades are notified in advance. However, minor version upgrades can also make Extensions unusable, so it's helpful to let us know in advance.
Best regards,
Business Central Team
IP addresses or hostnames of environment
We are integrating with an on premise solution and we're looking to lockdown the traffic coming from BC to a specific set of IP addresses or hostnames. We have written customization that makes a web service request from BC SaaS to an On Prem server. The Security Team who are responsible for the o...
Setting SaveValueToDatabasePromptly for Saas Environment
This setting revert BC to the previous behaviour disabling Modify on every field modification.
This setting is available only for OnPrem Environment
The request is to make this available for Saas too
New Option to re-start an environment from admin center
The idea is to be able to stop and start an envionment from the admin center, as before we using the administration console with the instances. Maybe is posible one task or one extension is blocking or going slow down the system and be great to stop it. Now if some thing is wrong the unique solu...
Kind regards,
Business Central Team
Partners to be able to start Job Queue Entries
Currently if a Partner is to setup a Job Queue Entry it needs a user of the tenant to start this. This causes frustration with the Users because we need to ask them to get those started just for testing and also if there's an error they need to start it again.
Access permissions in connection to multiple productions environments.
Dear Microsoft, We have several customers with multiple Production environments, which means that users who have a Business Central License, can see all 3 or 4 production environments when they try to login. Right now, we are forced to import all the users and manually disable the user on the p...
When updates are planned (all of them, not just the big ones) it would be nice if you would let us know when they are scheduled and what the planned changes are so we aren't caught by surprise with the changes.. We are finding that the updates cause MANY more problems than they fix. Example - on...
Business Central Team
Non Global Admin role to get access to BC Administration Center
We would like to be able to give the people who manage our Business Central Tenant access to the Business Central Administration Center, but we cannot because they are not Global Admins in our network. It would be nice if another role like the "Dynamics 365 Administrator" role in Azure gave them...