The idea is to be able to stop and start an envionment from the admin center, as before we using the administration console with the instances.
Maybe is posible one task or one extension is blocking or going slow down the system and be great to stop it. Now if some thing is wrong the unique solution is contact with Microsoft support.


Roberto Corella
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your idea! You can now restart an environment from the Manage Sessions page in the admin center.

Kind regards,
Business Central Team



I think is a basic idea of management the environments, maybe with some permission level, but we shouldn't wait so time long some times.

Category: Tenant Administration


Yes please!

Category: Tenant Administration


It would be very interesting to be able to restart Business Central instances from the admin center.

We have already had several fallen occasions or problems that have apparently been resolved by restarting the tenant (According to Microsoft). but these incidents are resolved in a range of 4 hours.

We cannot leave a client without working for 4 hours and expect they continue to love the application.

Regarding this point, partners need to be a litlle more autonomous.


Category: Tenant Administration


This should be a "low hanging fruit", since it is already possible to trigger a restart from the Admin Center by altering the "Application Insights Key".

Category: Tenant Administration