Backup and restore
Users make mistakes in their daily work and it is not unusual for a member of the finance team to upload a lot of wrong data or delete data. Running year end without completing all the data changes is another common mistake. Not being able to perform an on demand backup prior to performing a d...
Add Unpublish to the Automation API
It would be nice if unpublishing extensions was included in the Business Central Automation API so that the old apps can be unpublished after the new extensions is installed.
Automation API call for installing Apps from AppSource
We have an automation app for installing custom apps but we still need to manually add apps that are published via AppSource manually. In order to be able to provision Business Central for particular verticals or using a configuration type approach could we have a call which allows us to specify...
Best regards,
Business Central Team
Option to update AppSource apps as part of minor updates
When major updates are deployed by Microsoft all 3. party apps deployed form AppSource is updated as part of the BC major update, but when minor updates are deployed, 3. party apps are not updated. This can block an minor update because some apps need to be updated before the minor update can com...
OnPremises: Use Entra Security Groups with AAD-Authentication
With Business Central 2023 release wave 1 (BC22) the "Control Access to Business Central Using Security Groups" got introduced:
Onpremises this feature works fine with the creden...
BC25 - Appsource App installation as a delegated partner administrator
new in BC25 it is not possible anymore, to install a appsource app as a delegated partner for a customer environment. The only solution is shown in but this is on a compliance view a no go.
There sh...
Please notify us of minor environment upgrades in advance.
Currently, major version upgrades are notified in advance. However, minor version upgrades can also make Extensions unusable, so it's helpful to let us know in advance.
Best regards,
Business Central Team
IP addresses or hostnames of environment
We are integrating with an on premise solution and we're looking to lockdown the traffic coming from BC to a specific set of IP addresses or hostnames. We have written customization that makes a web service request from BC SaaS to an On Prem server. The Security Team who are responsible for the o...
Grant user permissions/user groups based on Azure AD security groups for Business Central SaaS
In Business Central on-prem we can manage user permissions based on Azure AD security groups, but in the SaaS version this is not an option. If a tenant has many users it is a very time consuming task to add permissions to each user. The current process is to add a BC license to users then update...
Update Log and Notifications
It would be very beneficial to have a notification when BC is updated with a link to a web page detailing the update. Hot fixes are being pushed in without any notification and if they fix or break things knowledge of a change would be a great help in troubleshooting issues. PS I've tried to su...