Make Multi-Select Option Sets available for Business Rules
Currently, when configuring a Business Rule, a multi-select option set field is not available within the list of fields for a Condition. A practical need is to Show/Hide the field on a form. First Part: The idea would be to allow a Condition using the "Contains" or "Equals" filter. As multiple v...
Set Default View and Remember Selected View in Subgrids and Associated Views
Many of our users are requesting an enhancement to the view selector in subgrid and associated views in Model Driven App experience.
They would like to set their own default view and return to the view which they selected when navigating to a related record from the subgrid or the associ...
Ability for Sub-Grid Activity in Account form to show all related activities
Account is one unique entity that allows all related activities to be rolled up to the Account; however, current sub-grid activity in Account form for CRM 2011 only shows activities that were created in Account (regarding).
It would be great if this feature can be implemented in th...
Thank you for your feedback.
We are not considering the suggestion at this time due to the following reason: Unified Interface and PCF Controls.
Change default from "next 30 days" to "All" for open activity view in accounts and contacts
The default filter for the view "open activities" in the account and contact forms is set to "next 30 days", which is very confusing for our users. I am not able to change the default filter criteria to "All".
It would be very good if the filter for the "open activities" view in the...
Revathi Sankar
PM, D365 Sales
Email editor lacking most features expected and required by customers
With the latest releases of Dynamics CRM Microsoft is focusing on Service and have delivered several improvements on SLA, USD, Social, Experience HUB, etc. This is all great and a multi-channel strategy is exactly what we need to have. However, for many customers the fact remains that a huge s...
Enhanced email editor capabilities were releases with 2020 Release Wave 1 Contextual email communication - Dynamics 365 Release Plan | Microsoft Docs.
Notes in CRM2013 Online changes timestamps when record is reassigned - can this be changed?
Whenever we assign an Account to a different owner in CRM2013 Online, the timestamps for the notes change, to match the time the account was assigned and who assigned the account. Is it possible to change this, so the timestamp only shows, when the note was created? And show who originally cre...
Creation dates can not be modified.
Ability to select a 'Group By' column value by default
Editable grids allow users to select a column value from the view as the 'Group By' value allowing users to group records based on data present within the record. For example, users can Group opportunities by 'Industry' and view all open opportunities grouped meaningfully. If a user selects a G...
Based on our recent discussions and estimations by our development team, it has become apparent that we require a bit more time to finalize the exact release wave and timelines for this feature. While we are fully committed to delivering it to you in a timely manner, we want to ensure that our estimations are accurate and ideaspace entry reflects the right status and release wave.
As a result, I am marking this feature as "Under Review" until we can provide you with concrete timelines and we will keep you updated every step of the way.
Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions or concerns or suggestions to influence the product strategy, please feel free to reach out.
Email Activites being displayed in wrong order
Within a case, there is the Notes/Activities/Post grid. This displays email activities in Modified date order. We have noticed that if you open an existing email, for example which was created and last modified several days in the past, and action a reply or forward, then the modified date of ...
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion!
We are considering adding the ability to change the default sort order on the activity wall. This will allow you to use either created on or actual end date field (which has sent/recieved date value) to sort the activities.
Dileep Singh
PM, Microsoft
D365 Email Template Editor to match the UCI email editor
That the standard email template editor get an 'overdue update' so that it can keep up with the UCI email editing capability. For the sake of brand consistency and sending professional, unified email messages -templates can be heavily relied upon in communication. Having the ability to edit in a...
Revathi Sankar
PM, D365 Sales
Enhance the E-mail editor
The CRM E-mail editor is very weak. Doesn't support properly the HTML e-mail. The format of the e-mail always changes and gives a bad end result.
The signature doesn't look professional.
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion!
We are actively considering this as part of our roadmap.
Dileep Singh
PM, Microsoft
Thank you for the submission. The status of this idea has been updated to 'Under Review' as we are triaging this idea with the respective teams.
Revathi Sankar
PM, D365 Sales