Email Activites being displayed in wrong order
Within a case, there is the Notes/Activities/Post grid. This displays email activities in Modified date order. We have noticed that if you open an existing email, for example which was created and last modified several days in the past, and action a reply or forward, then the modified date of ...
Emails with rich text formatting saved in CRM that have an attachment at the first line get saved as attachments
Every email that is saved in CRM that has rich text formatting and has an attachment on the first line will get saved as attachments in CRM and not displayed as normal email activity.
It is happening on every version of CRM.
Phone call activities
A phone call is created within the activity panel including the description.
The description is displayed after saving within the activity feed.
This works 100% correct!
If a phone call activity is created with the help of �+ Create� subject is required but no description.