Public Profile
  • Ability to show the email creation date when it was received in Exchange Online

    When you received the email, the record created day would be decided by the date which Dynamics CRM Online and Exchange Online was synced.

    I often experienced that Exchange Online and CRM Online didn’t sync properly and the email record was still created when the synchronization was done successfully.

    So this is not very user friendly.


    I would like to see the email creation date record when the email was actually received in Exchange side.


  • Ability to customize TO fields in Email form

    The default lookup fields (e.g. Account, Contact, Lead..etc) for TO field in Email form are not very efficient. Some of the fields will never be used to look for.

    It is very important for users that if they can customize the TO field. Please provide the supported way to achieve this.


    e.g) You can only look for ‘User’ in To field.


  • Add an option to upload a macro excel

    I cannot upload the excel file that is enabled for a macro. I can only have the standard excel template and Word template that are available for uploading CRM data.

    Please add .xlsm as another option.


  • The file storage shows the different result in Dynamics 365 and Outlook calendar

    I have created the appointment and attached the file in Dynamics 365.

    When I see the file storage in Dynamics 365, it says the file has 15 bytes.

    However, when I see it in the Outlook calendar, it says the file has 172 bytes (after the appointment has been synced to calendar).

    The file storage must show the same number in both Dynamics 365 and in Outlook Calendar.





  • Add �track� button on Mobile App to track Emails in CRM

    When Server-side Sync is enabled and a user is trying to tack Emails that are sent from mobile Apps such as Outlook for iPhone / Android and Microsoft Dynamics CRM App for iOS, currently a user is unable to track them and show these items in Activities.


    As a workaround, a user needs to have Microsoft CRM for Office Outlook installed on desktop application.


    Please enable the track button feature on Mobile Apps for better user experience.


  • Unable to track BCC emails in Activities

    Currently, BCC emails does not create an email record in Dynamics 365 (Online).

    This is very inconvenient.

    It would be great that if BCC emails can also create the email record in Activities.



  • Note in custom entity does not work in Dynamics 365 Online

    In Dynamics 365 (Online) version 8.2, Notes that is enabled on a custom entity is not working.

    Users are not able to add anything to it.

    If legacy form rendering is enabled, the issue can be resolved.

    However, Notes section is the basic feature that can be used for every day.

    It should be able to use Notes on custom entities without using legacy form rendering.



  • Ability to bulk change email processing for existing users

    In System Settings page, a user can change the email processing on Configure Email processing section to choose from either Server-Side Synchronization or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Email Router.

    Currently, a user is only able to apply this setting to newly created users.

    It would be really useful if a user could apply the change to all existing users in Dynamics 365.

  • Ability to draw a line and edit Excel in Email body in Dynamics 365 Online

    Currently, a user is not able to draw a line or edit the content of Excel file that is inserted to Email body in Activities.

    It would be really great that if Email in Activities can also be editable like those emails created in Outlook Client.

    This should allow a user to create Emails more freely.

  • Configuration Wizard: ability to add/remove/switch multiple users within a tenant

    Currently, when the admin is added to Configuration wizard, a user is not able to add another user from a same tenant. It gives an error.

    If “Switch” feature can be implemented, a user can add the admin as well as another user within a same tenant and switch users to test if any of them can update the Excel file (exported to the dynamic sheet).


    For example:


    The ABC tenant has User A (the admin) and User B (a user).

    Currently, User A is added by using the configuration wizard. He can export the Excel file to a dynamic Sheet. If he made any changes to the file, the file will be updated.

    However, User B is not able to do none of these above. We are not able to add both users by using the configuration wizard either.


    If there is a “Switch” feature in the configuration wizard is available, a user can switch between User A and User B and both users can update the Excel file each time when needed.