Public Profile
  • Suggestion to improve using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook (Outlook Client) add-ins

    There are several Outlook Add-ins for users to choose and they are quite useful.
    However, customer has reported that when you use Outlook Add-ins and other add-ins together, they cause CRM service to slow down and sometimes just freeze.
    This is because multiple add-ins compete each other.

    I would like to suggest that if there should be more KB and blogs about which add-ins to be installed and not to be installed.
    This can avoid any issues with having multiple add-ins for Outlook.

  • Allow users to pin �Set regarding look up record� window in Outlook

    Please allow the ability to pin �set regarding� look up records view to be able to set as the default view in Outlook.
    Just like Account View for example, it would be a great enhancement to have pin function for Look up record view in Outlook.

  • Related Campaign Response field enhancement

    1. Campaign activities only work with related marketing lists. It would be great that if by default, we can look up records from general marketing lists and select the item.
    2. Marketing lists should be displayed as options when we need to look up for more records

    CRM Online version : 2015 & 2016

  • Ability to set Excel Export privilege on entity level

    It would be really great if we have a simple way to change Export privilege on entity level.
    For some entities, users do not wish to export them. We need a simple way to disable or enable the ability to export privilege on entity level.

    Product Version : 2016 and others

  • Users would like to trace Excel Export Log

    One of my customers would like to track down when, by who and which data has been generated from the history log.
    We currently have the similar function but it is not convenient.

    Product Version : 2016

  • Enhancement request for Auditing User log in

    From the current Audit function, I would like to

    - Know who has been logged on for how many hours and how often they have been logged in
    - Get detailed trace log to see who did what…etc

    It would be really great that if Auditing for user log in can be more useful.

    Product Version? CRM Online 2016

  • DatePicker field should not be depended on Base language

    Currently, DatePicker field does depend on the base language.
    There are no workarounds or default settings for this. It is quite confusing for users who does not understand the base language.
    It would be really great that if DatePicker would not depend on the base language and can be displayed in any languages you want.

  • Customize the Command Bar in Activities View

    I would like to show all the Optional Activity entities on the Command Bar rather than populating them inside the ‘Other Activities’ pulldown menu.
    It would be very convenient that if users are able to change the order of entities such as TASK , EMAIl and FAX that are displayed in Command Bar at the same time.

    CRM Online Version : 2016

  • Easy way to add �Co. Ltd. Inc.� on Account name fields for

    Japanese firms can have Co. or Ltd. marks before and after the firm�s name.
    When you have +300 companies, it is quite time consuming to add �Co.� or �Ltd.� mark on each record.
    It would be very nice to have a pull down menu in Account name fields and you can just choose from options.
    In Japan, we have more than 5 options for firm name to choose from (e.g. ????????????????????..etc).
    So, it would be really nice that if there is an easy way to add the firm mark to fit Japanese companies.

    Product Version?CRM Online 2016

  • Dashboard partly not localized

    Customer who has recently granted Dynamics CRM Online is seeing menu in Dashboard is not localized.
    ‘Sales Activity Dashboard’ is translated in English while other fields are localized in Japanese correctly.
    We don’t know what conditions are required to meet such a strange behavior.
    It was already like that in a new prod instance.
    We are hoping this issue would be fixed and won’t happen again in future releases.

    Product Version?2016 (