Workflow for Firmed Planned Purchase Order
After planned purchase orders are firmed, the ‘Approval status’ is default to ‘Approved’ on purchase order screen, which is skipping the purchase order workflow. Suggest to default the ‘Approval status’ to ‘Draft’ while workflow is enabled; or ha...
Instant CTP for Planning Optimization
Situation :
Planning Optimization replaces the usual Master Resource Planning.
Within this Planning Optimization, CTP capability has been added, it becomes GA in 10.0.32.
But : this CTP is not yet able to run on the fly, when user saves the sales line. It's necessary t...
Thanks for your input! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Product Manager, Microsoft
Let the planning optimization engine and the trade agreements processing to consider the unit conversions for the items while genertating the requirements
The planning optimization does not consider item different units; therefore, it does not fetch the correct trade agreement price for the requirements planned orders.
In conclusion, the planning optimization does not respect unit conversion.
For instance, if we have 3 tra...
Thanks for your input, if it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Senior Product Manager, Microsoft
Include invoiced, shipped, and picked sales order statuses in forecast consumption logic for planning optimization.
Currently it is documented that planning optimization forecast consumption does not consider sales orders once they have been picked, invoiced, shipped, delivered, etc. The demand is added back into forecast once the status on an open order moves into one of the above mentioned and PLOP is run...
Thanks for your input! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Senior Product Manager, Microsoft
Consider "Receipt margin" in ATP dates
ATP shows purchase order receipts as available the day of receipt, but for some companies the receipts are usually not ready the day of arrival. It would be great to have ATP take into account the Receipt margin. Currently master planning takes into account receipt margin, but ATP da...
Thanks for your input! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Product Manager, Microsoft
Production pool on planned orders form
Please consider adding the production pool to the planned orders form. One of our customers is requesting this feature.
The production pool is equal to the buyer group – it is the same idea – buyer group for purchase items - production pool for manufacturing items.
Thank you for your feedback.
Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Christian Rytt
Ability to filter on additional input criteria for Planning Optimization
Currently the only filters on input for Planning Optimization are related to which items should be included in the planning run or whether the forecast should be included (plan filters, runtime filters, coverage groups, etc.) but some businesses have scenarios in addition where they want to ex...
Thanks for your input! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Product Manager, Microsoft
The ATP delivery date calculation for a sales order line does not take the dimension "inventory status" into account.
Description of problem: The ATP delivery date calculation for a sales order line does not take the dimension "inventory status" into account. Therefore: - The ATP overview is incorrect - Calculated delivery dates following ATP or ATP + Issue margin strategies are wrong - Delivery date control ov...
Thanks for your input! We're considering if to add it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Product Manager, Microsoft
Forecast reduction for invoiced and delivered sales orders
When a master plan has a demand forecast set up to reduce forecasts by transactions, deprecated master planning reduces the forecast by invoiced and delivered sales orders but Planning Optimization doesn't. The Planning Optimization will lead calculated su...
Thanks for your input! If it gets voted, we will consider adding it to our long term roadmap.
Beatriz Nebot Gracia
Senior Product Manager, Microsoft
Material availablity from Planned Orders forms
A user should be able to see if materials are available prior to firming planned production and/or planned transfer orders. Currently one can only see delays and it's not clear if material is available. The current functionality of seeing if material is available when releasing production order...
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Roxana Diaconu
PM, Microsoft