Please consider adding the production pool to the planned orders form. One of our customers is requesting this feature.

The production pool is equal to the buyer group – it is the same idea – buyer group for purchase items - production pool for manufacturing items.

The Buyer group can be added to the planned purchase orders – the production pool is not available.

Category: Planning
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Christian Rytt





This idea should be closed as all the field mentioned in all the comments can be personalised in (I just checked on 10.0.36).

Category: Planning


This is a very frustrating field, when training a large organization. Most mid-large organizations have multiple buyers and multiple production planners. I gave up on using production pool, since it is only available on the All production orders form. Now, like others on this thread, I instruct users to make these two fields equal, so they can filter and sort for the items they are responsible for. Either add production pool to the other appropriate forms, e.g. Planned orders and Planned production orders, or add buyer group to All production orders and eliminate the confusion field.

Category: Planning


Please make sure at a minimum to add Production pool, Production group and Property. Also, would be good to add Height, width, depth, density and weight. As mentioned previously it would be helpful to allow any field from the released product to be added.

Category: Planning


Please also consider adding Production group from the Released product to Planned orders

Category: Planning


Dear @Christian Rytt,

Can we have an update on this topic please ?

Category: Planning


I have made this customisation in the past

Category: Planning


A must have.

Category: Planning


Agree this is a long standing issue where the inherent nature of the fields is not carried through all levels of the software. Production Pools are for production, Buyer Groups for purchasing. Both production & purchases can require planned orders to be managed through MRP, yet only Buyer Group is extended to the planned order tables. We got around this in AX4 and AX2012 by making them both the same, however as business expands, we have requirements where a part is dual sourced (internal production & procurement from vendor or inter-company). Our hope would be in D365 to discontinue the misuse of these fields and to drive a more consistent Master Data model, which is pretty hard to do when one of the main uses for sorting planned orders is the production pool, which isn't available. I agree this should be a quick and long over-due win.

Category: Planning


Why does it take so long to implement a quick win like this?

Category: Planning


Ideally would be able to add most any field that is on the released products form to the planned orders grid.

Category: Planning

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