Description of problem:
The ATP delivery date calculation for a sales order line does not take the dimension "inventory status" into account.
- The ATP overview is incorrect
- Calculated delivery dates following ATP or ATP + Issue margin strategies are wrong
- Delivery date control overview when applying ATP or ATP + Issue margin strategies is incorrect
- In summary: ATP based delivery date control is unusable when the inventory is segmented using multiple inventory statuses.

The inventory of a product variant is segmented in "VITESSE" and "WEBSHOP" inventory statuses.
From a sales order line for item "21000/01", site "Site 1", warehouse "NLWHSL", Size "8½", Color "BLUE" and inventory status "VITESSE":
- The ATP overview is incorrectly showing starting "On hand" as 6 (expected: 1)
- The ATP overview is incorrectly showing starting "ATP" as 5 (expected: 0)
- The calculated delivery date is incorrect as further ATP calculation over time is incorrect
Category: Planning
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for your input! We're considering if to add it to our long term roadmap. 


Beatriz Nebot Gracia

Product Manager, Microsoft



Hello, we also have this issue

Category: Planning


Looking forward to have it. It prevents us to use the whole ATP functionality and confirming dates to our customers until the system provides the date considering the inventory status, hope it comes soon.

Category: Planning


Excellent suggestion! When is this planned to be picked up, because this is making ATP unusable in combination with advanced warehouse management.

Category: Planning


Excellent suggestion! Inventory status works with Master planning, Reservation & Warehouse work, CTP but not ATP. It is a very obvious missing piece of functionality.

Category: Planning