All table fields available on Pages to add via personalization

Customers and partners have been asking for all table fields to be available on all pages to add without customization vie personalize (or in on premise Show Columns) for at last 15 years now, Can you please make all related table fields available to users to be added via personalize vs having...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in "Add table fields to optimize your pages".

Please refer to the following link for more information:

Best regards,
Mike Borg Cardona
Product Manager, Microsoft

Report Extensions should be introduced

Since the only development and deployment method currently supports is Extension Development via a Sandbox using VS Code (AL Lang), isn't it great to have Report Extension Development capability too? There's always possible to dev Extensions for Standard Tables, Pages, CUs but why not Reports?...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
​Thank you for your feedback. We have released support for report extensions with 2021 Wave 1. With this you can make additive changes to existing dataitems, add new nested dataitems, modify request page and add additional layout (but not modify existing base layout). Watch the Virtual Launch session on What's New in AL and Visual Studio Code for more, as well as Docs Report extensibility - Dynamics 365 Release Plan | Microsoft Docs

Peter Borring
PM, Microsoft  


Extending keys in a base table from an AL table extension

When developing AL table extensions, it is possible to create one or more keys, but the scope of that key is solely in the extended table (not the base table that is being extended). VS Code will not allow you to create that key if the key references one or more fields found in the parent table...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! 

We will complete this in our 2021 release wave 1.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Kennie Nybo Pontoppidan
PM, Microsoft 

[IP Protection] Ability to debug app without ShowMyCode=true

Hi, For now the only possibility to debug the code is to set the showMyCode property to true in the manifest file of our app. In combination with this setting we can add the [NonDebuggable] attribute in parts of the code we don't want to be seen by the debugger. Problem is with showMycCode = tr...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thanks for logging an idea on this and voting

We shipped this as part of 2021 Wave 2

The solution covers:
  • More granular static app.json settings for IP access through flags in the new "resourceExposurePolicy"
    • allowDebugbing: Control source access during debug. Note that it would be possible to mine IP across debug sessions
    • allowDownloadingSource: Control access to downloading .app with source from tenant
    • includeSourceInSymbols: Control whether symbols contain source when downloaded from server during development
  • Ability to dynamically set above flags per AAD tenants through placing .json configuration file on KeyVault resource defined in app.json
    • This allows locking down the app in various of above dimensions and unlock (temporary) for specific AAD tenants
  • Obsoleting showMyCode app.json property
    • Obsolete warning if used
    • We will error if both showMyCode and resourceExposurePolicy properties are used at the same time

Business Central R&D team


Select User Session when Debugging

To make support easier, it would be nice, if we would be able to also select other User Session in Visual Studio Code like it is possible in the Windows Client.



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thank you for your feedback. We are going to support attaching to a specific running session id as well as next session for a specific user id. This is first enabled for the snapshot debugger, which introduces offline debugging of prod code flow (record and inspect in VS Code debugger after execution). The snapshot debugger will be available as preview in sandbox on October 2020 release, and is expected to be enabled for production environments (the intended scenario) in a minor, once tested in the wild. Latter is planned to also enable attaching to a specific user session in the real (interactive) debugger in a sandbox. Currently we are not planning a UI for selecting among sessions though.

Best regards,
Business Central Team

Define default Tooltip on field design

Writing tooltips is not the best moment in a developer's life. The possibility of defining the default tooltip at the level of the definition of table fields would be very comfortable in the same way as the Caption property which is inherited by the field displayed on a page and can be modified a...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature in 2024 release wave 1.

Please refer to the following link for more information:

Kennie Nybo Pontoppidan

PM, Microsoft

Debugging of webservice interface

In the old development environment, the debugger could be attached to any instance, or selectively to the next started instance. This was very useful. Currently it seems it is not possible in D365 Business Central. If something unexpectedly goes wrong in a customer’s production environment, we m...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thank you for your feedback. We have been viewing this Idea mostly as enabling debug-like capabilities in production, given that there is another idea on session attach https://experience.dynamics.com/ideas/idea/?ideaid=332d9081-da6b-e911-b047-0003ff688f46, but these two are really quite closely related (as it is normally a user session in prod), and we are addressing both in 2020 Wave 2.

For troubleshooting in the production environment, we are introducing something called snapshot debug. With this, you can insert snappoints in AL code in the Visual Studio Code debugger, attach to a production tenant, perform a repro, and capture a snapshot. Then you can download the snapshot and then offline inspect call stack trace for the whole flow and variables for the snappoints in the context of AL code in Visual Studio Code.

Snapshots will support attaching to a specific user session, as tracked by above mentioned idea, as well as web client, web API and background session (not system sessions though).

Snapshots are discrete points in time and thus, typically, several roundtrips of taking snapshots could be required (as snapshots are not taken interactively as in normal debugging, but require a new user flow recording when new snappoints are added). Sandbox environments will still be required to set actual breakpoints (stopping program execution in the session) and stepping through code.

Upon 2020 Wave 2 launch, above snapshot feature will only be available as a preview and in sandbox environments though (current ETA for sandbox end of October). Here the value will be less than the normal debugger, except providing the ability to attach to a specific session. Once thorough testing "in the wild", it is expected to be enabled for production environments in one of the first minors.

Best regards,
Business Central Team

Production support for Docker containers

Docker containers have become an essential part of D365 Business Central development, test, CI/CD and a lot of other areas. As we are using them so much, it would make a lot of sense to be able to use them in production as well



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Based on the fact that 2020 Wave 2 (v17) introduced official support for running NST on Windows Server Core operating system, as well as that 2021 Wave 1 (v18) will introduce official support for running the database layer running on SQL Compatibility Level, we believe there is sufficient support to allow partners and customers to use container technology in on-premise production, and have support on NST, as long as being in compliance with system requirements.

We are thus closing this idea as completed.

Partners will still be responsible for creating and supporting any scripts, code etc used to create, operate, monitor, and maintain containers. BcContainerHelper and artifacts can optionally be used as part of creating Docker containers, and continue to be provided and supported as a community effort.


API - json body with more nested nodes than two

Hi, with BC Spring release 2019 there is a limitation about the structure of the content body in a custom API, in fact it is not possible to create an API that accept in a POST request a json body with more nested nodes than two (https: // docs .microsoft.com / en-us / business-applications-relea...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
Thank you for your valuable feedback. We have decided to deliver this idea and make it available with Business Central 2019 release wave 2.  â€‹
Your help was greatly appreciated,  â€‹
Business Central Team​


Access to local and global variables and functions in table extensions and page extensions

"When creating a TableExtension and/or PageExtension object it would be really useful to be able to call the local functions / variables of the original object. This would also come close to the concepts of inheritance. You could also address the inherited object with Base.XYZ to call the functio...



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Category: Development (1156)

Ideas Administrator
In the 2019 Wave 2 release we have added the ability to control, i.e., restrict or enable, access to objects and members, similar in concept to access modifiers in other languages. There is a new Access property on objects and table fields, and access modifier keyword on var section and methods. The available options {Local, Internal, Protected, Public} depend on the object type, use IntelliSense (Ctrl+Space) for possibilities in context.

The idea is asking for unrestricted access in one extension to objects in other extensions (including base application). This is strictly not what we are delivering, as access will only be possible if the target extension permits it, and the default will be private to allow controlling the extensibility surface. What the feature enable is allowing designing for access going forward. ALApp GitHub should be used to request changes to the base app to enable access to variables as part of extensibility.