Create a Notifications feature
Please consider creating a notifications feature, much like linkedin/facebook. Today, if the user needs to be notified about something, we can generate posts or send emails. Emails will often be seen as noise and go to a separate folder which the user may not look at on a routine basis. It will ...
The ability to "pin" important timeline notes/posts to the top of the timeline control.
It would be useful to be able to "pin" important timeline notes/posts to the top of a record's timeline control.
Thank you for the submission.This idea has been implemented. Please refer to Timeline Overview for Users - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn for additional details.
Have the Teams web meeting invite as a part of the Appointment/Meeting record in D365 Activities
In this "new world", we have many of our Outside Sales team that are having meetings with their customers using the Teams web meeting application. We have been training them for years to create their Appointment/Meeting records in D365 and let them migrate from D365 to their Outlook. They have ...
As of April 2022 this capability is now generally avaiable. Create and join Teams meetings from in-app appointments - Power Platform Release Plan | Microsoft Docs
[Note] form on Unified Interface
Currently, [Note] form on Unified Interface doesn't have [Regarding] field so it's hard to distinguish which memo related to other entity records. Also, attachment file on [Note] on Unified Interface cannot be downloaded. It would be great if [Note] form on Unified Interface has [Regarding] field...
The capabilties Capabilities added in Oct2022 and download already supported.
MVP Bug: Cannot add process stage name to Outlook views
If you have a view that has business process flow enabled and you add the related process stage name to a view, the view will display that column in web client, but will not display it in Outlook.
Please enable users to edit the Opportunity Close Form
There is no supported way to add new field or delete existing field in order to edit the Opportunity Close Form.
Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of 2019 Release Wave 2. Please refer to the following link for more information:
Paramita Chatterjee
PM, Microsoft.
CRM2011: Price List Item Views Not Editable / Missing Key Fields / Not Exposed to Advanced Find
I have a simple requirement to display the following fields on the Product entity in a Sub-Grid for Price List Items:
•Product Name
•Pricing Method
•Rounding Policy
•Rounding Option
Thank you for your feedback.
We are planning this feature as part of the functionality in 2019 release wave 2 in October
Please refer to the following link for more information 2019 Release Wave 2 documentation for Dynamics 365 for Sales
Naitik Shah
Allow to customize Price List Items view is not possible for instance to add the 'Amount' field which would be pretty useful.
I can't see the point in not allowing to customize the views associated to price list items.
Thank you for your feedback.
We are planning this feature as part of the functionality in 2019 release wave 2 in October
Please refer to the following link for more information 2019 Release Wave 2 documentation for Dynamics 365 for Sales
Naitik Shah
Ability to create new Account records from Customer field in Order entity
It would be very useful if you can create a new Account record from a potential customer field in Order entity.
Thank you for your feedback!
This functionality is available now in the new user experience - Unified Interface. Please refer to the following link for more information.
Naitik Shah
Need the ability to customize the inline edit view on Sales Order - order products grid.
Editable Grid controls are currently not available for the Web on the Sales Order - Order Product grid (salesorderdetailsGrid).
We need to be able to add a custom default view and add the controls for the editable grid function which is currently greyed out for Web a...
Thank you for your feedback.
This functionality is available now. Please refer to the following link for more information
Naitik Shah
Allen Mathias
Principal Engg Mgr
Dynamics 365 Sales