Enable SetFIlterXml for Editable Grid
Hello All, As you probably know adding a Custom Fetch into an Editable Grid is not supported by CDS / Dynamics 365. In the old interface this functionality was available only through an unsupported implementation as seen below. var gridControl = formContext.getControl(GRID_NAME); var subGrid = ...
Dark Mode
Dark Mode!!! My eyes hurt because of all the white background in Dynamics. A dark mode option would be a life saver.
Customize Command Bar to Show/Hide a Button on UCI by Security Role.
It would be convenient to be able to customize a ribbon by security role so that administrator has a control to select which users to have an access to a certain button and which users to have no access to the button.
Allow System Admins to manage/modify/delete the Personal Views on UI
We recognized that there is no way to manage or modify the Personal Views, My Dashboards or other contents even when you have given the System Administrator privilege of Dynamics 365 Online at present. It is very inconvenient if the users can not edit them unless they are sharing the con...
Allow Duplicate Detection Rules on Additional Entities - Such as Addresses
My customer needs duplicate detection on the Address entity - but it's not available to the duplicate detection feature.
The desired change would allow duplicates to be detected on Addresses and other objects not currently supported.
Ability to change ownership of model-driven apps.
Currently, there is no functionality implemented to change the owner of a model-driven app.
Implementing this functionality will allow users to properly manage model-driven apps even when the owner leaves the tenant.
Track outgoing emails automatically using Dynamics 365 app
Currently, emails sent from CRM don't appear in the sent folder in outlook when using the dynamics 365 app. This was a feature available in the Dynamics 365 add-in for outlook. Please add this feature.
Feature to specify multiple entities in an Excel template
Currently, we can only specify one entity when creating an Excel template. However, Word templates can specify multiple entities. I cannot accept the current behavior that Word has the feature, but not Excel, and and I think it should be improved so that Excel can also specify multiple entities. ...
Open .msg/.eml files from CRM in web preview (like in Sharepoint online)
Hi everyone,
I'd prefer if the .msg or .eml files could be viewed directly in a preview on the current webpage when opened from Dynamics CRM, instead of being downloaded and then opened in Outlook.
In SharePoint online, these files open in a web page preview wit...
please consider to show the unsaved change or save data after auto save is turning off.
Popup "unsaved change" has not appeared> please consider to show the unsaved change or save data after auto save is turning off.
This idea is currently being picked up for implementation. We will add the release dates as we get closer to completion.
Revathi Sankar
Product Manager, D365 Sales