Vendor invoice number – the field is too short, there is only 20 signs (digits) available.
It would be nice to extend the Invoice Id to at least 30 length. It's not country specific, but world wide need. Unfortunately, Shorter number (what means wrong number of the invoice) will be reflected in bookings and in SAF-T file (XML files required by the Authority in Poland). Manual workar...
Add Accruals Scheme to Pending Invoices
In the pending invoices screen is should be possible, as it is in the invoice approval screen, to select an accruals scheme that allows an invoice to be distributed across a number of periods. Ideally, it should be possible to select the scheme on line level.
'Vendor balance list' with wrong main account
The report ‘Vendor balance list’ (Accounts payable > Reports > Status) display the wrong main account, if the vendor Group was changed. Then the ‘Vendor balance list’ do not display the ‘Vendor balance’ of the vendor transactions. Instead, the main acc...
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.
Shivam Pandey
PM, Microsoft
Improve invoice matching where variance is due to change in currency exchange rate
In AP we are seeing a high volume of invoices with Match Status = Failed due to a currency exchange rate difference between the Purchase Order (PO) and Invoice. The root of the issue is that the match is looking at the 'accounting currency' and not the 'transaction currency'. Many of our POs a...
I’m not sure that whether this is known:
On the AP matching setting, there is one parameter Match price totals. It provides several options.
For Percentage, it compares the transaction currency.
For Amount, it compares the accounting currency.
If Percentage is choosen, the exchange rate difference will not result in matching failure.
Just want to make sure that, this is something Microsoft didn’t document well, or current functionality cannot fulfill other business requirements.
Provide "Open transactions report" for all localisations
For some localisations, a report is available at
Accounts payable > Inquiries and reports > Open Transactions report.
This is the by far most valuable report for the breaking down of accounts payable and pretty essential for auditing and internal con...
Completed and deliverd in 10.0.23 release
See document in,
chapter Vendor open transactions report.
Completed and deliverd in 10.0.23 release
See document in,
chapter Vendor open transactions report.
Financial Tag available in Pending vendor invoices > Distribute amount
To be able to add a Financial Tag in Pending vendor invoices > Distribute amount.
When using Vendor Invoice Automation cost invoices are imported to Pending vendor invoices, The coding such a ledger account and dimensions must be added in "Distribute amount", but there is no ability to ...
Payment schedules in vendor invoice journal
Currently, payment plans are not working automatically in vendor invoice journals. It would be great when payment schedules stored in the vendor master automatically will be used when posting an vendor invoice journal.
Planned in our roadmap
One Voucher & Vendor Invoices split on several projects (or FA) must be considered as a scenario where "one Voucher" is allowed
"One Voucher" is described with several scenarios that will be covered when "one voucher" is becoming obsolete - ex customer or vendor payments. But the accounting of how a Vendor Invoice where there are more than one project to be used, is not mentioned. This should/must be taken into conside...
One voucher - Finance | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Docs
Instead of using invoice journal, please using vendor invoice to cover this scope.
Auto posting vendor invoices with Post date in an on hold period
It would be nice to have a configuration parameter to allow setting up the vendor invoices to be automatically posted to the next open period when the Posting date falls into an on hold period or a period with AP module closed. This is helpful especially when auto posting is a workflow step an...
This feature has been delivered in 10.0.23 release.
See details here
Totals in the Vendor Invoice Journal
During the posting of a Vendor Invoice Journal, the total amount of the invoice is not visible (taxable amount + tax amount). It would be great to add totals in the Vendor Invoice Journal, in order to ensure the rightness of the posting to the users (specially if the journal is without Sales Tax ...
Planned in 2022 wave 1 release
Released in 10.0.40
Feature name: Extend the length of invoice number for vendor invoice