Introduce a CE only SKU for licensing
The value prop of ProjOps is heavily CE only oriented especially for smaller markets with few net new F&O implementations per year. While a hero story implementation can be seen as the holy grail of ProjOps implementations, a cash cow implementation will be a CE only scenario. ProjOps needs a pro...
Project list page: User specific setup of project filtering
Some users always want to see all levels which means that they must select the option 'All' every time the window is opened. The selection setup must be made user specific so the window is opened as the last time used.
Feature to create new lines in the contract lines tab of sales order data after receiving an order
With the current functionality, it is not possible to create new lines in the contract lines tab after an order has been received.
However, if we want to use the same sales order data to manage the excess of the contract after the order is received, the feature to create a new line in t...
Notification to be sent for proactive quality updates
We need to have a notification sent for proactive quality updates similar to how we get service updates schedule and notification in case production environment is not upgraded to higher versions (lesser than two versions) than the currently released version. The updates sent for proactive qua...
About customizing the dialog box after clicking the copy week button on the time entry screen of the Project Operations app
On the time entry screen of the Project Operations app, click the Copy Week button in the dialog box "Start Week", "Start Date", "End Date", etc.
The display name is confusing to users, so the weekly copy feature is not familiar to users.
From the above, we want to make the display...
SIngle PO from multiple sub-projects' item requirements
Currently, when users create PO-s for a project with multiple sub-projects, they need to create separate PO-s for each sub-project. This means an additional workload for users and is also error-prone as they need to keep track of several PO-s for the same main project. The procurement process ...
Link language settings for the Tasks view (Project for the Web) to Dyn365 language settings
Link language settings for the Tasks view in Project in Dyn365 Project Operations - coming from Project for the Web - to Dyn365 language settings, i.e. not using the format settings for this. Some users want to change their format e.g. to German format but still use English language across Dyn...
I want to be able to export the contents of the "Project Estimate" tab.
In the Estimates tab of the project table, output the unit cost price and unit sales price by member and task to Export.
This feature is not currently implemented.
The addition of this feature will improve the experience for users.
Feature to edit the Currency field of Organizational units entity
Currently, as shown in the MS doc below, the currency field of the Organizational units entity cannot be edited after it has been saved due to synchronization with other entities.
Enable partners to disable plug-ins for data correction (only)
When using Porject Operations intensively, with many data conversions running and many batch processing jobs running, chances are, there will be some hick-ups in the process, possible causing corrupt data.
This, for instance now happened multiple times with one of our biggest ...