Project Operations first started as Project Service Operations (PSA) as a CRM/CE App. There is a ton of value for SMB customers with less than 20 users. There should be a CE (or "LITE") only SKU that would allow you to purchase 5 or more licenses.It doesn't make sense to have Project Operations as F&O only. What about Business Central clients that operate in Professional Services workloads?Please help!!
Category: Project Operations - General
Wow, still "under review". We've had quite a few SMB leads interested in using project ops but once we get to the 20 users minimum limit it's a show stopper. Unfortunately. Not all customers are interested in F&O related possibilities...Why is there even a "Lite" version for full price with 20 users minimum limitation? Doesn't make much sense...
Category: Project Operations - General
I cannot agree more with the comment that states, having a 20-user amount minimum for the Project Operation for the CE version makes it less attractive to buyers.
Category: Project Operations - General
The 20 user minimum user count removes the attractiveness for CE only implementations as well as for SMBs.
Category: Project Operations - General
A 20 User min should only apply to the F&O linked deployment options. It is makes no sense with NCE.
Category: Project Operations - General
Being a construction contractor, our fundamental reason for moving to Microsoft Dynamics was PSA. I was looking forward to our 35-year business implementing this modern age software, hoping it be my last and having paid for three licenses of PSA, daily developing for over a year, spending over $15,000.00 in overall Dynamics Development. Starting Sales and BC, then implanting Awarded jobs into PSA. A year with developers daily building, money spent, my whole reason for moving to Dynamics one day PSA was gone, taken away, stolen. Why was not the current license holders grandfathered in? Was anyone grandfathered into Project Operations? Does anyone know If there is a resolution to this?
Category: Project Operations - General
Category: Project Operations - General
This is critical to be able to offer Project Operations to a larger client base.
Category: Project Operations - General
This makes sense. A smaller feature set and hosting framework should allow for a lower/no minimum license requirement, like the other CE applications.
Category: Project Operations - General
20 users is very prohibitive for Small Business who have smaller teams that need for example 5 users - we have several clients who would like to use Project operations but the cost would restrict this as they do not have 20 users
Category: Project Operations - General