Add "Not ready to Invoice" on Billing status option set on Actuals
I have a suggestion to improve the Billing status field on Actuals. Instead of having "N/A" as the status for "Not ready to invoice", could the team add an option with a text "Not ready to Invoice" to the option set? This would make it easier to use the field: 1. Not having a "Not ready to invoi...
Enable "Correct this invoice" for Product-based Lines
Please extend the "Correct this invoice" functionality to cover scenarios where an Invoice has been confirmed and Product-based Lines have to be corrected.
Display more rows and information on custom Insight Cards
Custom Insight Cards are a really power way to deliver information, however the area for custom data is quite limited. My suggestion is that custom Insight Cards would display more than 3 rows of data and that the visible area would automatically expand when there is more than 3 rows of data.
Include custom Insight Cards in Customer Engagement Plan and Application Enterprise licenses
Custom Insight Cards are a very powerful feature and the core CE applications, Sales, Customer Service, Field Service and PSA benefit hugely from this feature. My suggestion is to include custom Insight Cards in Customer Engagement Plan and Application Enterprise licenses.
Custom Insight Cards should be visible under AI setup despite how the related Flows are created
Currently custom Insight Cards are only visible under AI setup when the cards are created from the context of an environment's AI setup. Custom Insight Cards created by creating Flows from the context of an existing solution or from should also be visible under AI setup. At ...
Allow us to choose a target solution for custom Insight Card Flows created from AI setup
Currently all Flows created from AI setup end up in the related environment's default solution. Please allow us to choose a target solution when creating a Flow for a Custom Insight Card from AI setup.
Open up Resource Assignments for contour changes on Project entity's Resource Assignments tab
At the moment changes to RA contours are locked due to Project for the web. Changes to RA contours are mission critical so that project managers are able to align bookings (Bookable Resource Bookings) and task assignments (Resource Assignments). When RA contour changes are locked, there is nearly...
ProjOps needs its own Business Process Flow for Opportunity
Right now, ProjOps shares the OOTB Opportunity Sales Process BPF with core Sales: Installing ProjOps on top of core Sales overwrites the OSP BPF with a ProjOps specific process ribbon. While customizing OOTB BPFs is not best practice, many organizations have done so and when they install ProjOps ...
Enable project templates
Project templates is one of the most frequent requirements in PSA+ProjOps implementation projects. Templates drastically reduce the time required to set up complex project plans. Please bring back project templates as we know them from PSA.
Dual Write alerts based errors should be more descriptive on CE side
Dual Write alerts essentially can pause DW maps and an error is displayed in CE, when an alert fires off. The errors in CE are not descriptive enough and are hard for basic users to understand. Please make errors in CE more descriptive, when they originate from DW alerts. This way users don't kee...