Ability to search for a transaction by last 4 digits of Credit Card Number
Please add a search capability to the "Show Journal" screen that lets us input the last 4 digits of a credit card that was used for payment. Putting that in would show results for all transactions that had that last 4 digits (while also considering any other filters in place such as first and ...
Split-Bill functionallity
Split Bill is a highly requested and common function for many restaurants customers frequently request to split bill directly from the point of sales system. This feature offers a convenience to customers who wants to know the exact amount to pay for their food orders respectively. Also separa...
Thank you for the product suggestion! We will continue to monitor this idea and the votes to determine if it will be given a position in our backlog. Setting to 'Declined' only as this idea is not set for the next two waves of work planned. But this idea can still accrue votes and will be considered as planning continues -Brian Shook, Principal Program Manager, Dynamics 365 Commerce
Hide or Disable payment methods to not appear in payment list on MPOS
Since 18 months we created 20 payment methods but currently there are 5 of them is not required and not acceptable by company, unfortunately keep the complete 20 payment methods giving cashiers chance to select some of these not acceptable payment methods. It will be great idea having the poss...
Thanks for your feedback. This is a great suggestion. We have added this to our backlog and are continuing to track. Updating to 'Needs Votes' to help continue tracking demand for this idea.
Support receipt printing for donations made on the Adyen terminal
Beginning in January, California will require a receipt for charitable donations. Donations can be made today on an Adyen device, but the connector needs to call a "transaction status" API to retreive the receipt. This cannot be done through customization and requires a fix fro...
Support F&O invoice and customer payment journals through the Adyen connector
This idea is being created to gauge interest in adding support for processing non-Commerce payment journals and invoices using the out of box Adyen payment connector. Those areas are not currently supported by the connector and requests for those capabilities are often made via email, so tracking...
We are continuing to gauge demand for this request. Marking as 'Declined' only as this work is not directly in our next two waves of planning, but the idea can still accrue votes and the team will still continue to monitor this request as additional requests for this idea are received.
Support Adyen Pay-by-Link feature for Call Center and POS card-not-present scenarios
https://docs.adyen.com/checkout/pay-by-link To support scenarios where we would sell to a customer via an email or phone interaction, selling either out of Call Center or in some cases POS, we would like to be able to leverage the Adyen Pay-by-Link feature via direct integration from F&O. The ...
The pay by link via POS is planned for 2025 Wave 1 and we will enable the same for call center and AR in the next wave i.e. 2025 Wave 2
Changing payments on call center sales order in status deliverd
We are using call centers in the shop with order completion functionality active. This is required to be able to register payments on call center sales orders. However, once sales order has status delivered, payments can not be modified because the completion functionality locks the sales orde...
Thanks for your feedback. We will continue to review this for consideration/prioritization within our product backlog. Customer pickup order creation and management functions are currently only supported through the use of our Point of Sale application. Setting this idea to 'Declined' only because it is not included in the next two waves of planning, but the idea can still accrue votes and will continue to be considered for future planning sessions.
Duplicate payments prevention for Adyen refunds
Currently the Duplicate payments prevention system does not work for refund payments while using the Adyen connector in POS. It is a reasonable expectation that it works just like for normal sales transactions.
Add functionallity for handling tips.
In hospitality scenario's it is common for customers to provide tips for good service. The tips is paid in cash, or by adding tips the payment terminal. It is an requirement for many customer to keep track of tips and to make sure they are paid out accordingly. Dynamics 365 do not have any kno...
Thank you for the suggestion! We will continue to monitor this request for the product and review for planning. Setting to 'Declined' only as it is not work set in the next two waves of planning; but the idea can still accrue votes and will continue to be considered for future work.
Additionally, the Payments SDK has the capability to allow tipping as described in the following article:
Support for tipping in the payments SDK - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Add a Pay Exact Card similar to Pay Exact Cash operation
Similar to the Pay Exact Cash add a Pay Exact Card which will skip the amount screen and go directly to requesting a card. This would dramatically speed up processing for the times when only a single card/payment will be used.
This feature is now released as a part of 10.0.40. Here is the documentation: Check out faster with optimized payment flows - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn
Thank you for your feedback.
This is a great suggestion! We will continue to monitor this suggestion moving forward. Marking as 'Declined' only as this work is not in our next two waves planned, but the idea can continue to accrue votes and will continue to be considered for future work. We are also tracking this item from a compliance standpoint to get clarity if any PCI or GDPR compliance guidance will allow the feature to be included in the product.