Instagram as channel
Please enable instagram as a new channel , so that direct messages on instagram can be answered through omnichannel for service app in Dynamics 365.
Support for Zalo channel
In Vietnam, Zalo messaging channel has a lot of users, maybe more than facebook users. Please support Zalo channel in Omnichannel. This is a "must have" channel when doing marketing or customer service in Vietnam. Regards, Binh.
Show WhatsApp ProfileName
When receiving a WhatsApp message we wish to have a personal approach. The WhatsApp Profile name often contains the First Name of the person reaching out to us.
Therefor we would like this WhatsApp Profile Name to be shown next to the phonenumber on the communication panel.
When we...
WhatsApp chat does not support indication on replayed message
In WhatsApp chat when customer make a reply on a message the agents can’t see the specific message.
It causes the agents to make mistakes whenever the agents need to make an appointment for doctors and clinics in different locations.
We had one case that a contact asked...
Customers can switch between channels for the same conversation
I suggest to give to customers the ability to start a conversation with a channel (e. g. Live chat) and switch in case of needs to another channel (Facebook, Twitter, Teams, voice call,...) bringing on the same session and the same conversation context, this will give customers more flexibility, ...
Save Facebook chat History
When using Facebook as a channel we encounter problems with the customer being able to see chat history, but the agents are not. Often the customer gives slow answers on Facebook and due to that inactivity agents will close that chat. After a few hours the cu...
Omni Channel client cannot end conversation in teams con
When using the omnichannel with teams channel, the client can not end the conversation, customer wants to know how the can client end conversation. The customer's company has the policy that the Omichannel agent should respond the client ASAP. But they also has the policy that the agent shoul...
Linked in chat integration for Omnichannel
Similar to FB and Twitter, looking for integrating LinkedIn chat with omnichannel. Is there any way?
Copy knowledge item content in a WhatsApp conversation
Dynamics has a WhatsApp integration. And Dynamics has a Knowledgebase.
The documentation used to contain the steps for this via Agent Scripts & Macro's but it has never worked for us.
When we copy+paste the text manually as hyperlink with an altered visual text will become plain te...
Real Time Transcript
We need the ability for a transcript to be generated while a conversation is still open or in waiting status. Currently, the transcript is not generated until a conversation is closed. Since a social media conversation can be open for days or even weeks, this means the transcript could not be ...
added into our backlog