Schedule Custom Automated Messages
We would like to add the idea to have the option to schedule custom automated messages for upcoming holidays / company events.
As a user with priviliges to edit the Custom Automated Messages I would like to be able to schedule custom automated mess...
Show WhatsApp ProfileName
When receiving a WhatsApp message we wish to have a personal approach. The WhatsApp Profile name often contains the First Name of the person reaching out to us.
Therefor we would like this WhatsApp Profile Name to be shown next to the phonenumber on the communication panel.
When we...
Copy knowledge item content in a WhatsApp conversation
Dynamics has a WhatsApp integration. And Dynamics has a Knowledgebase.
The documentation used to contain the steps for this via Agent Scripts & Macro's but it has never worked for us.
When we copy+paste the text manually as hyperlink with an altered visual text will become plain te...
Quick reply searchterm in title, text and keywords
As an agent I would like to find a correct quick reply by using a searchterm which searches for a hit in title, text or keyword.
If the searchterm is currently not in the title or text or filled with a #prefix it will not be found :(
Add attachments to Quick Replies
As a WhatsApp agent I would like to use a quick reply with an attachment.
This would help us to answer questions in a more efficiƫnt way.
Operating hours - Date & Time when adding a holiday
Current situation:
When adding a holiday in the Operating Hours section of the Calendar there is no option to select the starting time and the ending time. This option becomes available after adding the holiday. Which doesn't seem logical nor efficiƫnt.