Send Notification to Customer in advance
In wave 2 OCT 2021, there are multiple feature releases, but customer has not been notified in advance. Please send customer a detailed guide if there are new features release. So customer could be prepared.
Hex Decimal Format Data cannot be stored in Dynamics
Some data with the value of hex 0x01 - 0x1f (which can be stored in the client's database including MongoDB, Oracle etc.) cannot be proceed and stored in Dynamics. Could you please help me check on it or provide a roadmap for us to solve it? Thanks a lot.
Omni Channel client cannot end conversation in teams con
When using the omnichannel with teams channel, the client can not end the conversation, customer wants to know how the can client end conversation. The customer's company has the policy that the Omichannel agent should respond the client ASAP. But they also has the policy that the agent shoul...
Omnichannel Agent can not recognize the different contact by phone number
When Omnichanel agent receives a request from a client, if the client has the same phone number which already exists in the CRM system, the contact will be matched the existing client which is not exactly the new client, especially the client from different countries.