sync Chart of Accounts, Vendors, and Customers between multiple Business Central companies
We would love to be able to sync Chart of Accounts, Vendors, and Customers between multiple Business Central companies. This way, when a new account is added/edited, it will automatically be added/changed in different companies.
Recurring General Journal Approval
Currently users do not have the ability to request approval on a Recurring General Journal, however, workflow approval is setup to include these options. Basically if the workflow is turned on for Recurring Entries, users cannot request approval, leaving the batch stuck. I am request the followi...
Customer Statement only with open entries
Have the possibility to print a customer statement only with open entries at a given time. Users often ask for a report that can show a statement which they can send to customers with open entries at a certain date instead of sending standard statement which shows the entries within a period. He...
Sincerely, Business Central Team
Dimension Correction Tool
It would be great to have functionality that will allow correction or addition of missing dimensions on posted transactions.
Expansion of Dimensions Correction function to cover all related entries
In Wave 1, 2021 the Dimension Correction functionality was introduced (very happy for that addition). However corrections only affect the G/L Entries not the related entries such as vendor ledger entries, customer ledger entries, item ledger entries, FA entries etc. Consequently if you change di...
Print Reports for all Dimensions not just 1 and 2
There have been numerous requests to be able to print reports based on more than just Dimensions 1 and 2, please consider adding additional Dimensions to the printing of reports
Thank you for your feedback.
This idea is rejected. We will not add more dimensions to any RDLC reports going forward.
You now have better tool to analyze dimensions with Analyze, group, and pivot data on list pages using multiple tabs | Microsoft Learn
In the future the reporting in Power Bi will also be improved and will accommodate dimensional analytics
Best regards,
Brian Nielsen
PM, Microsoft 
To add the ability to specify the dimension to the posted entries and check mandatory dimensions for Realized Gains Acc./Realized Losses Acc
If for the Vendor the purchase invoice and payment were posted in a different currency from the main one, with different dates and provided that the currency rates for these dates are different, then Realized Gain/Realized Loss operation occurs. During Applying the system doesn’t check mandatory ...
Original Currency Code on General Ledger
It would be nice to see the original currency code and original currency amount on the general ledger.
G/L entries to keep Foreign Currency amount, revalue GL Accounts
User is able to enter Foreign currency amount in General Journals, but after posting Foreign currency amount was not captured in G/L Entries. Would like to suggest to provide - similar to Receivable. - Capturing Foreign Currency - GL Detail Transactions by Foreign Currency - Allow revalue GL Ac...
Best regards,
Business Central Team
General Ledger Entries - Dimension Codes
Dimensions are not visible on the General Ledger Entries. Global 1 and Global 2 should be visible at a minimum. 3-8 would be very beneficial as well. Dimension Set ID would be a helpful stopgap for filtering purposes.
This request came up specifically for a client look...