Have the possibility to print a customer statement only with open entries at a given time.

Users often ask for a report that can show a statement which they can send to customers with open entries at a certain date instead of sending standard statement which shows the entries within a period. Here the primo balance could hold amount which is not overdue and therefore they just would like to send a document with open entries.
Ideas Administrator

This will be released with 2023 w2 release:

Sincerely, Business Central Team



Has there been any information about when this might be implemented?

Category: Financial Management


In Serbia, we are obliged to send exactly this kind of report to our customers at the end of the year, so this would be very useful report to add.

Category: Financial Management


Can't quite believe this still hasn't been done. Have yet to meet a customer that doesn't hate the standard report

Category: Financial Management


strong upvote. I agree this is so obvious and since the open invoices report provides the functionality seems it would not be difficult for MS to add this parameter to customer statements.

Category: Financial Management


Yes, it's a good idea, and it should be in system. on the other, we have developed this report for our customers with only open entries.

Category: Financial Management


Open entries option is not relevant in this document - a customer statement is only used to show customer what has happened on the account in a period - it has nothing to do if the entries is open or not - it is not necessary the customer has done the same application .....But it could be a nice feature, to add NEW report to be able to print/mail open entries to a range of customers.

Category: Financial Management


Better still, a switch to show all open transactions, and another one to also show closed transactions within a certain date range.So - "Show Open Transactions" - yes/no"Show Closed Transactions within dates" - date rangeThis would allow for a customer statement that shows all older open transactions, but which also shows any recent payments which have been applied against invoices.

Category: Financial Management


This seems so obvious, can't believe it isn't built in already. Strong upvote!

Category: Financial Management


Voting this one up.Similarly, an option to generate statement from 'last date balance was 0.00' would be amazing.This will show all transactions in between (open or not) so customer can match / review accordingly.

Category: Financial Management


please implement this

Category: Financial Management

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