There have been numerous requests to be able to print reports based on more than just Dimensions 1 and 2, please consider adding additional Dimensions to the printing of reports
Yes please!
Category: Financial Management
For Asset Accounting, it would also be nice if a guppierung could be filtered by more than just the two global dimensions in the reports. Likewise, it would be nice if these were then also available in the list view.
Category: Financial Management
We would really need to have this possibility to filter totals (in the CoA especially) and to use filters on financial reports based on any dimension and not just global. This is especially needed because there is no core functionality in BC to distinguish Local GAAP vs IFRS accounting GL entries and therefore we usually answer to this requirements by using a dimension (but not global which are obviously already used for basic analytics by department / by cost center, etc.).
It would be nice to have some feedback more detailed than "added to the long term roadmap" on this topic.
Category: Financial Management
A detailed trial balance with all dimensions - and have more than one dimension on the report - example a report that shows detail GL trail balances by account-Dim1 - Dim2 - Dim 3.
Do not limit to 4 accounts and the accounts are shown on the line not columnar.
Also be able to edit in Excel from the GL entries and pull in each account and all dimension values - not just Global 1 and 2.
Category: Financial Management
YES please!
Category: Financial Management
Can I suggest more than 2 Global Dimensions, perhaps 6? This will make reporting, filtering etc. much easier.
Category: Financial Management
Agree. Valid request.
Can I ask you to give me examples of reports you want?
We just fixed a bug that kept analysis views hidden in account Schedule - fix will be in upcoming update 7.
Analysis views allows you to do analysis on G/L data on any 4 dimensions at a time.
Category: Financial Management
This feature is sorely needed. It really defeats the purpose and power of being able to use Dimensions in the system.
Category: Financial Management
Business Central Team (administrator) on 8/30/2023 1:14:00 PM
Thank you for your feedback.
This idea is rejected. We will not add more dimensions to any RDLC reports going forward.
You now have better tool to analyze dimensions with Analyze, group, and pivot data on list pages using multiple tabs | Microsoft Learn
In the future the reporting in Power Bi will also be improved and will accommodate dimensional analytics
Best regards,
Brian Nielsen
PM, Microsoft