Rebate and discount functionality for project quotations
It should be possible to enter discounts on project quotations.
- I want to be able to give discount for a quotation line - not just for items but also hours.
- I want to be able to give a total Discount in %
- And I should be able to make an end price, say instea...
Change Requests added to existing Project Contracts rather than creating new ones
It should be possible to go through the sales cycle (Opp->Quote->Project Contract) with a change request, then at Quote Won, associate it with an existing Project Contract rather than needing to create a new Project Contract. Project Contracts can have many lines so why can't we just add whateve...
Naming of the prices, currencies and amounts in the Project transactions
The amounts and the currencies in the project transactions should be better displayed and on the project transaction entries both in Overview and General tab. For example, currently in the Project transactions “Total cost amount” is Accounting currency, where as in General under “View transacti...
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.
Andy Choi
Program Manager, Project management and accounting
Enable quote revisioning so that new versions of a quote can be created
Quote revisioning is a frequent requirement in a sales process. Users are looking for a simple way to revision their quotes, based on fine adjustments to project scopes. With revisioning, an organization's quote process has transparency and changes are documented as revisions. Revised quotes also...
This targetting April 2022 release wave. Should land in the product before Sept 30 2022. Please keep track in the Release Plans for Project Operations here: Revision and activation of quotes - Dynamics 365 Release Plan | Microsoft Docs
Timesheet line copy within the same timesheet
Some customers would appriciate the option to duplicate an existing timesheet line within a single timesheet. This would help for instance when the employees are splitting the working hours on several sub-projects. Now the copy function is limited to copying from other timesheets or favourites...
Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.
Kim Nelson
Program Manager, Project management and accounting
Automatic price quote updates
It would be great to have the ability to automatically update the price of a quote when a team member's role changes in Dynamics 365 Project Operation.
Project manager, from Project form, should be assigned on workflow approvals of Projects Invoice proposals
On D365forO - 7.3 - The Review Project Invoice proposal workflow cannot be setup to assign the approval to the Project manager setup for the specific Project (Project manager field on the Project form. Currently we can only setup up the workflow to use Participant assignment and select the Sec...
Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.
Kim Nelson
Program Manager, Project management and accounting
Project quotation - Sorted by WBS PSP code instead of sorting by activiy number
Actually the project quotation lines are sorted by activity number. If the WBS are updated with new lines in the WBS - not at the end of the WBS - the project quotation is still sorted by activity number. So the quotation lines are not anymore structured. Idea: At a editable position number in...
Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.
Kim Nelson
Program Manager, Project management and accounting
Raise Quote with WBS Details
It should be possible to create a quote using a detailed WBS estimate instead of creating a Project, then doing a detailed WBS estimate and copying that to the Quote.
We are hearing this more broadly as well. Will take it up for consideration in an upcoming release wave. Please continue to watch this space for updates and information. As always, we do solicity more votes on ideas as that determines which ideas get the most attention.
Thank you again!
Role Based Pricing
The Role based pricing doesn't work correctly. There needs to be a parameter setting individually for Cost price and Sales price whether to use the Project role, the Default role, or the Project role and fall back to the Default role (if no Project role is defined). Most customers want Sa...
This capability is in the modern Project Operations architecture.
Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.
Kim Nelson
Program Manager, Project management and accounting