Manage project budget without project categories
Some of our clients want to control project spend based on the total project budget instead of project spend by project categories. At the moment the project budget has to be recorded against specific categories, it would be useful to have the ability to record budget without having to specify...
Ability to export project budget balances
Currently from from the project budget balances screen, there is no ability to export via right click and export all rows or by clicking the Microsoft logo and exporting. Additionally there is no data entity to allow for this information to be exported. To reach this screen in question, naviga...
Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.
Kim Nelson
Program Manager, Project management and accounting
F&O Exchange rates should be used for cost conversion instead of Project Operations exchange rates
In Project Operations, when cost price is defined in currencies other than organization unit currency, then to conver the cost amount in organization unit currency system uses native project operations exchange rates and not exchange rates synced from F&O through dual write.
For Sales pr...
Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.
Kim Nelson
Program Manager, Project management and accounting