"Expand all" option should remain selected when changing the view from Cost estimates to Scheduling and going back to Cost estimates
In WBS task when selecting Expand all option from the “Expand to” filter in Cost estimates view and switch the view to Scheduling and back to Cost estimates, the entries should remain all expanded instead of partially expanded.
Company currency naming in Project Transactions
In the project transaction lines the amount in the "Total cost amount" field should be in the same currency as the "Total cost amount" field in General menu in View transactions. The fields in the transaction lines should include the naming of the currencies of the company (accounting, reporting...
Allowing manual selection of resource when creating fee from Project Invoice proposal
The system should allow you to pick the resource manually when creating fee in invoice proposal. Currently the system automatically populates the resource who is first in the resource/project validation list when resource/project parameter is set as mandatory.
Naming of the prices, currencies and amounts in the Project transactions
The amounts and the currencies in the project transactions should be better displayed and on the project transaction entries both in Overview and General tab. For example, currently in the Project transactions “Total cost amount” is Accounting currency, where as in General under “View transacti...
The system should allow the customers to decide whether the Payroll allocation posting to be enabled/disabled for Timesheets.
The system should allow the customers to decide whether the Payroll allocation posting to be validated for Timesheets and Hour transactions. When the customers do not use Payroll functionality, they should be able to use feature/parameter allowing them to do the posting towards Cost-project inst...
Feature to allow syncing Expense estimated without specified Task/Project activity from PSA to Expense forecasts in Finance and operations.
The PSA-F&O integration should allow the customers to sync Expense estimates created in PSA without task to Expense forecasts in F&O. The users are able to create Expense forecasts in F&O with and without Task/Project activity and they are able to create Expense estimates in PSA with and without...
When using "Total forecast - Actual" method, the system should keep the Total forecast amount when the Actual costs exceed it
When the Actual costs exceed the Total forecast, the system should not change the Total forecast, in order to calculate the Percentage of completion correctly. The Percentage should be calculated until it reaches 100% however, the amount of the Total forecast should not be changed by the system.
Allow change of the Invoice account after creating Sales order related to Project with multiple Funding sources
The system should allow the users to be able to change the initial Customer/Funding source account entered at the time the Sales order is created. It happens that in some cases it is needed the project transaction originating from Sales order to be invoiced to another Funding source in the Proje...
Possibility for shared number sequence for Project ID
There should be a feature or functionality which could allow the customers to choose whether the Number sequence for Project ID to be shared or with another Scope value.
Project Parent Activity selection if no WBS is used
The users should be able to select Project parent activity on Invoice level if there is no Work Breakdown Structure used for the Project. Currently the option is available only if there are WBS tasks created.