Attach customer invoices to collection letters send out by email to customers
Hi, Running the collection letter process allows generating a collection letter document that can be send out to the customer for example by email. This is a great functionality. What is missing though is that one wants to attach the invoices included in the collection letter to this email tha...
Exclude future sales order from credit limit check
It should be possible to setup a timeframe (horizon) and the balance of the orders that are outside this timeframe should not be included within the credit limit check. In some business a part of the sales is done in a preliminary stage called (pre-sales) while other sales is done right now (i...
Credit management - Credit limit Group reports
Credit management has been enable. When using Credit Limit Group, no reports provide information related to credit limit Group. Suggestions: a. from the customer credit groups screen is a menu option to the Aged balances. This menu brings the aged balances up in a filtered format for this gr...
Email template for collection letters
In standard Dynamics D365 Finance and Operations it is possible to send collection letters, as an attachment, in PDF format via email. Hereby it is possible to set a subject in the print destination setup. However, the email is sent to the customers without accompanying text. Please add the po...
Exclude disputed invoices from credit limit check
Add the possiblity to exclude the balance of certain disputed invoices from the credit limit check. It could be that a customer is not paying their invoices due to bad performance of your company and during the period of the dispute you do not want to block your customer as a result of your ow...
Sales proforma invoice cannot be printed when sales order is on hold
Using the Credit management future and having the credit checkpoint on sales confirmation, the proforma invoice cannot be printed. This change of functionality will be beneficial in case you need to send the proforma invoice to the customer, collect the payment and then confirm the sales order.
A pro forma document can be printed while the sales order is on credit hold. The sales order will still be on hold; however, the pro-forma document can now be printed.
On hold functionality customers
Hi, The standard on hold functionality that can be used for customers is quite restrictive and does not allow users configuring holds that - for example - allow recording payments while stopping the creation / confirmation of orders and alike. What we need is a more flexible configuration that ...
Due date for posted customer interest note
Per today, by posting an customer interest note, the posted transaction will get the same "Due date" as voucher date on customer transaction. It would be great that when an interest get posted, it gets a correct due date based on the customer "Terms of payment". Since the interest note should be...
Address selection for collection letters
Within multiple implementations I got the question if it would be possible to setup a specific address/contact details for collection purposes.
It would be a good enhancement to have a address purpose for Collections which should be used when e.g. creating collection letters.
Customer group credit limit
Customer A1 and Customer A2 defined in company X.
Thank you for your feedback. This feature will be available with the release of credit management.
Shivam Pandey
PM, Microsoft
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will wait for further feedback form the community, before adding to roadmap.
Shivam Pandey
PM, Microsoft