In standard Dynamics D365 Finance and Operations it is possible to send collection letters, as an attachment, in PDF format via email. Hereby it is possible to set a subject in the print destination setup. However, the email is sent to the customers without accompanying text. Please add the possibility to link an email template to the print destination setup, so that the text defined in this email template will be added automatically to the email (message body).
Agree this should be available for standard reports via print management, I have just put a similar suggestion in for Customer Statements and Vendor Remittances. This should be available across all of the forms in the sales and purchase ledger without the need to configure ER.
Category: Credit and collections
There is an issue with ER. The issue is that if we want separate destination for different customers, the same is not possible. Also lets say Collection letter 1,2 and 3 can be sent via email but the 4th one needs to be printed on the letter head and then sent to the customer by registered post. However since this means that PDF and email are separate destination. The same is not possible from D365.
Category: Credit and collections
If you use Electronic reporting framework to send collection letters, you can utilize organization's email templates managing email subject, body and recipient addresses. See for more. Did you consider this option?
Category: Credit and collections