It would be nice if unpublishing extensions was included in the Business Central Automation API so that the old apps can be unpublished after the new extensions is installed.
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



This should definitively be implemented! Now, this must be done manually. I agree with this:"To be honest, this feature should have been there from the start."Why is there an automation API if you can't automate the whole process?

Category: Tenant Administration


This would be great!

Category: Tenant Administration


To be honest, this feature should have been there from the start.

Category: Tenant Administration


I strongly agree, this feature would be so helpful to manage an environment with several extensions.

Category: Tenant Administration


This feature would really allow to have more clear overview of apps, because in the development phases No. of versions of specific app can be quite substantial and it is very hard to discover and specify exact version of a bug for example. Not to mention that we have 60+ environments - this feature would be really helpful.

Category: Tenant Administration


Great Ideea, in our case this would lift a significant burden of maintaining some 40 environments. Cleaning up manually old versions of our extensions is a nuisance. Please consider this for future release.

Category: Tenant Administration


Totally agree with all of you. This feature will be very useful especially when we manage a lot of environments with several extensions.

Category: Tenant Administration


We are using a multiple Apps-Customer-Model. Often we need to move Objects from one App to another to keep reachability in more than one App. In our testenvironment we then get the problem not being able to install the new App with powershell, because the old App still contains the moved object.We have to deinstall all Apps before we can install all the new apps in the test-Sandbox all together.It would be very helpful to automate this process.

Category: Tenant Administration


This functionality would be very usefull to us aswell.

Category: Tenant Administration


We also need this functionality.

Category: Tenant Administration

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