Fix the Search on
Currently the search feature goes across all products, with no way to filter by D365FO. This makes searching for anything not feasible.
Country of registered address differs from the country of the tax exempt number (UID)
As a company located in Austria we are registered at the Austrian tax authority with our Austrian company address. Therefore we have an Austrian tax number (Steuernummer; format: ## ###/####) and tax exempt number (UID-Nummer; format: ATU########).
Furthermore we are register...
Record template editing is not allowed for table with ValidTimeState enabled templates
When creating record templates for customers, vendors and employees, it is not possible to edit the record template, and the user get's the error. Record template editing is not allowed for table with ValidTimeState enabled templates.
As customers/vendors/employees...
Dual Write Synch From D365 FO to Dataverse With Cross Company Setup Enabled Tables
I have set up cross-company data sharing for the D365 FO customer master. With this cross-company data sharing configuration, I'm copying the identical data into three legal entities. In addition, Dual Write has been enabled for customer master sync from FO to Dataverse.
Data ...
SecurityRolePrivilegeExplodedGraph missing index to be added
We are running an on-premise D365FO (Local Business Data environment).
On our PROD SQL instance we are also running DynamicsPerf (a well-known and well-respected tool by Microsoft engineer Rod Hansen).
I did notice the following query missing an index
(I cannot seem to add sc...
Batch Business Events - reference to Started Event in Finished|Cancelled|Failed Events
Batch Business Events follows a very simple rule - every Finished|Cancelled|Failed Event always has a Started Event (Parent).
With the current implementation, the only viable approach is to always relate Finished|Cancelled|Failed Events to the last Started Eve...
Updating Purchase order header with Site and warehouse from the sales orer header.
When creating a Puchase order from the sales order functionality , the header site and warehouse from the sales order header is not transfered to the purchase orer header.
This causes issues as when left blank on the purchase order header , the purchase order acknowledgment us...
Vendor retention payment without projects
I processed the PO lines with Vendor payment Retention terms without project ID, it worked perfect till the payment is made with retention. But when tried to pay the retention amount, retained amount was not showing as the balance to vendor for payment.
So if the retention is ...
Allow changing an already submitted vote on
Please allow changing an already submitted vote on
Currently, there seems to be no way to revoke an already submitted vote or change it to a downvote. Any other user feedback system like UserVoice allows that.
Watermark on All documents in Non Production
It should be Possible to assign a Watermark on a global level to get assigned to ALL documents generated in the system to ensure non production systems do not print / send generate documents that can be "used/misused
When we are in test / UAT and other Situations, we have to know ensure...