As a company located in Austria we are registered at the Austrian tax authority with our Austrian company address. Therefore we have an Austrian tax number (Steuernummer; format: ## ###/####) and tax exempt number (UID-Nummer; format: ATU########).

Furthermore we are registered in Germany. But we are registered in Germany with our Austrian company address. So we also have a tax number at the German tax authority (format: ###/###/#####) and German tax exempt number (format: DE#########). Therefore we would need to create an additional Registration ID in the Legal entities with our Austrian address but including a German tax exempt number.


In the standard version of D365 it is only possible to create addresses with a responding tax exempt number. Which means the country code of the tax exempt number must match the country code of the address.

As we also have customers and vendors with the same constellation, we also have the same problem when we want to create the addresses for them.

It would be helpful, if we could create an address where the country code can be different from the country code of the tax exempt number.

Category: Common



It sounds like this is something that is needed to make sure that company data can be collected correctly. Is there any reason that we can think of as to why it shouldn't be allowed? Perhaps it something that with a pop up warning of a difference between country code and tax number country code, could be changed.

Category: Common