Function for checking the number of exported excel data on audit log.
Customers expecting to know the number of exported excel data on audit log. This Function will be needed to provide support in terms of security management.
Function to Merge duplicate records for entities other than accounts, contacts, or leads.
There is already a function of [Merge duplicate records] for accounts, contacts, or leads entity as confirmed on the following MSDN. However it's not available for o...
Add an option of [unsave and close] button on form
User can back to view with [browser back button] or [hypertext link of entity name on navigation bar], but there isn't [unsave and close]. If we have a choice of [unsave and close] on form, it will make better its ease-of-use.
Function for adding option to the Opportunity entity statuses
As it's mentioned on MSDN, user cannot customize status in The Opportunity entity. Title : Add newly created custom fields to the Opportunity Close form URL :
Function for customizing the various way of settable sync
Synchronization with Outlook is only available within the settable sync now as the MSDN saids. Title : What fields can be synchronized with Outlook? URL : If this function could be...
Function for displaying a graph for Many-to-many relationship entities
User cannot create a graph for Many-to-many relationship entities by default function, but one-to-many relationship entities. For instance, creating a graph on Entitlement entity with totaling up of the data by Product category. If possible to display a graph for Many-to-many relationship entiti...
Function for adding phone call events automatically on Outlook Calendar
In Dynamics 365, user add activities to keep track of all the customer communications such as making phone calls. If user can see the phone call activities on Outlook Calendar, it would be more useful to check user’s schedule at once. Therefore, if the function is available as a standard function...