Ship non-inventory types from warehouse shipments/ inventory picks
If you have a sales document that has a number of items to be shipment from the warehouse and then a line such as a delivery charge (as an item charge or G/L Code) the items will be shipped from the warehouse but the related delivery charge line would not. This is also a problem if you ship but n...
Integrate Jobs & Service Management into Warehouse Functionality
After 17 years of implementing NAV I am still waiting for Jobs to be integrated with Inventory Picks and Put-aways and Directed Put-away & Pick Locations. Service Management works with Directed Put-away & Pick Locations, but not Inventory Picks... I have had to bespoke it on a number of location...
Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft
Support Package No. in Phys. Invt. Record Line
In Physical Inventory Record Line, there is currently no support for typing a Package No. Lot Nos and Serial Nos are supported but Package No. is currently missing.
Inventory Pick & Putaway Improvements
I have lost count of the number of times I have made one or more of the following modifications to inventory Picks & Put-aways: over the years: 1. Add Ship-to address and other shipping details to Inventory Picks- These are single source document so there is no reason from this data not to be th...
- #3 Register Serial Number on Purchase Order which created from Subcontract Worksheet - please add Inv Put-Away scenario in comments.
Undo Transfer Shipment
It would be very useful if BC allowed for Posted Shipments to be undone. Sales Shipments have the same functionality (so long as the SO hasn't been invoiced yet). A real scenario is when goods are being shipped between locations (or when they're being shipped from an overseas location), and the...
Option to remove 'invoice' option from warehouse document post
When you post a warehouse document (such as an warehouse shipment) you get a dialog prompt asking whether to ship or ship and invoice. Most business will not want their warehouse employees being able to trigger invoicing. It would be very useful to have an option in the warehouse setup to prevent...
SHow Bin by default on Warehouse document pages
The bin is not a visible field on documents like the Pick, Put Away, etc. The Bin should be visible = True by default so you don't have to have every user show it on the warehouse document pages.
Settings for posting options
Upon posting (sales/purchase), user is presented three options: Ship, Invoice, Ship & Invoice (on the sales order posting). The default is on the Ship & Invoice -option. In order to avoid mistakes, could this default value be set up in Sales/Purchases setup? This should apply Sales & Purchase po...
Improved Item Bin Contents Page
Page 7374 Bin Contents has a wealth of information that is missing on page 7379 Item Bin Contents. It would be very valuable to either have the flow fields (available to take, quantity on pick, etc.) and other data fields available on page 7374 on page 7379. They could be added to the page or add...
Shipping Agent Fields on Warehouse Shipment coming from Sales Order
The general idea behind a Warehouse Shipment, is that it can be related to one Sales Order, or to multiple Sales Order. A few fields on the Warehouse Shipment resemble a lot fields that currently exist on the Sales Order: External Document No., Shipping Agent Code, Shipping Agent Service Code. ...