If you have a sales document that has a number of items to be shipment from the warehouse and then a line such as a delivery charge (as an item charge or G/L Code) the items will be shipped from the warehouse but the related delivery charge line would not. This is also a problem if you ship but not invoice from the warehouse document. It would be good to have an option to mark the addition lines as' shipped' as part of the warehouse document processing to they are included on a resultant invoice. Consideration does need to be given to part shipments and when this may happen.
Category: Warehousing
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We released this feature as part of the functionality in Ship and receive non-inventory items on warehouse documents

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



Something terrible seems to have happened with version 21 related to this and I cannot find any documentation in the Microsoft release notes. Prior to upgrading at the beginning of November, we were able to ship non-inventory items and they printed on the packing slip. Since the upgrade this is no longer working. Scenario: We have wooden boxes we use to ship very heavy material. These wooden boxes are non-inventory items but do have a sales price. Because these boxes are no longer printing a quantity on the packing slip (posted sales shipment), customers cannot correctly finish their AP 3-way match. In other words, their PO does not match the receipt (packing slip) and does not match the invoice we send them. We found that when we invoice the sales order, the non-inventory items are automatically posted as shipped and get included on the invoice. Our only option at this point is to ship the product (we use Lanham E-Ship), then go to the sales order and post the shipment for the non-inventory boxes, then go to the posted sales shipments to print the packing slip, then include two packing slips (one for the inventory items and one for the non-inventory items). Please, please, please... correct this.

Category: Warehousing


Yes absolutely needed for a smooth workflow. Otherwise, one is touching multiple documents to get a shipment out fully so that invoicing can occur. This should also be done on the Warehouse Receipt side as well.

Category: Warehousing


We should allow this on warehouse receipts as well.It's cumbersome to need to receive items on warehouse receipts and go back to the PO to receive in the non-inventory items.

Category: Warehousing


Absolutely needed!Several customers required this feature to manage transportation fees, charges, specific taxes related to item nature, ...140 votes seem a lot for ideas submitted in this portal.There could be 2 ways to ensure these order lines are posted when warehouse shipment is:Include these sales order lines in warehouse shipment. User could type quantity to ship and post. (More flexible solution)Do not transfer these lines to warehouse shipment but consider them when warehouse shipment is posted.Thank you for checking this idea and the benefits BC customers will get from it

Category: Warehousing


This is still a very well needed functionality. Especially if you have automated posting of invoices after the orders have been shipped.

Category: Warehousing


This is an important need.
How many votes do you need to integrate this functionality ?
unfortunately a lot of ideas with a lot of votes are not taken into consideration. Warehouse module really needs important and significant upgrades in order to be able to propose a good ERP against competitors

Category: Warehousing


We migrated from a legacy ERP developed in the late 80's directly to Business Central and utilise the Advanced Warehousing module.

It is disappointing that a feature available in an 80's ERP is not available in a modern ERP such as Business Central.

Category: Warehousing


It is the same with a G/L Account line on the Sales Order for (by example) the Shipment costs. This line will also not be posted when posting the Warehouse document (Warehouse Sales Shipment and/of Inventory pick)

Category: Warehousing


We have implemented advanced warehousing and are now having to pay for a modification to do just that. Talking to our consultants and others, this seems to be a common thing that should be included in the advanced warehousing..

Our need is to include a printed Invoice with the majority of the shipments (yes old school but it is what it is), when we add freight, service, installation costs to the Sales Order and then ship the part/item, we want to produce one Invoice and pack it with the items. This is impossible as the WH can only invoice the item and sales have to invoice the freight (we don't want the WH to be playing with the SO's.

If you are online pack & ship and need invoices in the packages, then this is a pain.

This should be a Warehouse setup option based on the customer, i.e. Include non Inventory on first Invoice or on last invoice or separately invoice non-inventory.

Category: Warehousing