In Physical Inventory Record Line, there is currently no support for typing a Package No.

Lot Nos and Serial Nos are supported but Package No. is currently missing.
Category: Warehousing
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. The requested functionality was released.

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



Evidently, it is not a programming error. It is a functionality error. BC cannot allow tracking of products by Package No. and not allow recording physical inventories of those same products.Obviously, just by logic, all products of Inventory Type should be inventoriable by all BC enabled procedures. Do we agree?I hope Microsoft will evaluate the problem and resolve this error as soon as possible.

Category: Warehousing


To my mind, this is more than an idea, but rather a mandatory requirement.When I post an item with package tracking in purchasing, and then try to post a phys.inventory order with this item, I get the error message "You must assign a package number for item xyz.".However, this is impossible, because neither Phys. Inventory Order, nor Phys. Inventory Recording provides tracking by package.

Category: Warehousing