While the asset is terminated at the end of lease period, Accumulated depreciation is not reversed, Due to this an adjustment entry has to be passed to net off the accumulated depreciation account.
When the asset is terminated at the end of lease period, the accumulated depreciation value left in the account is not being reversed. And the value is being carry word to every year.
Hence user is manually posting an adjustment entry to Knock off the value present under the accumulated ...
Support ability to assign an Item tax group on the asset lease
Please add the ability to assign an item tax group to the asset lease so that taxes calculate automatically when the vendor invoice is created.
Business process requires us to have End date in system further than 31/12/2154.
Our client is having a business requirement to have end dates which some are 999 years in length.
There is currently a limit on the date to field to only allow up to 31/12/2154.
Their business process uses the dates from the Leases on the buildings they handle...
Asset Lease - asset transfer
The ability to transfer leases between dimensions and legal entities. Leases for things like forklifts or trucks (and others) can be moved between warehouses/locations as well as to new legal entities. Similar to the one in Fixed Assets, but with the extra step to move it to a different legal e...
Ability for the system to calculate the present value of lease payments using XNPV instead of NPV
D365 Finance uses "NPV" to calculate the present value of lease payments. The "NPV" calculation assumes the interval between the payments is the always the same, for certain leases such as property leases this is not the case. "XNPV" allows the present value calculation to be more accurate and ca...
Mohamed Aamer, PM,
default descriptions for asset leasing postings
We want to be able to setup default descriptions for posting coming from asset leasing module, so that we can have more information in the transactions text.
Now we only have the posting type (right of use asset / financial lease liability / financial lease payment / ...) without detail...
Invoice journal must be editable
In Spain (and others in Europe) is required to inform the "Invoice number" and "Invoice date" manually once the invoice journals are created, because this info needs to be sent to the tax authorities. Right now the invoice number is completed automatically with the voucher number, and the documen...
Glad to share with you the this have been addressed in APP 10.0.21 release.
Mohamed Aamer
PM, Microsoft
Asset Leasing - Add and Edit lines in asset leasing journal
For fiscal requirements (Italy: Art. 21, c. 2, D.P.R. 633 del 1972) we need to add new lines in asset leasing journal but there’s not the possibility to create manually new journal lines. We have to add the lines because for it...
Option for leasing module to conform to financial calendars
An option to be provided for asset leasing monthly postings (such as depreciation and interest charges) to conform to the financial calendars set up in D365. Currently, the asset leasing module only posts to calendar months. Therefore depreciation will always be posted on 31/03/21, even if your ...
Mohamed Aamer, PM,
Asset Leasing - To have one journal for the same supplier with multiple leases
You have multiple leases for the same supplier (leasing company). But when you generate the journal for payment schedule for multiple asset leases, you get two separate journals with one journal / one line.
The option to be able to get one journal ...
Mohamed Aamer, PM,