In Spain (and others in Europe) is required to inform the "Invoice number" and "Invoice date" manually once the invoice journals are created, because this info needs to be sent to the tax authorities. Right now the invoice number is completed automatically with the voucher number, and the document date is completed with the "today date". The journals are not editable to keep the consistency between the data with the leasing module but to have these two fields editable is a must for Spain. Another field is the "Item sales tax group" but this can be solved if you inform the value directly in the main account.

The idea is to leave the invoice journal editable for the user to edit the required fileds.
Category: Asset Leasing
Ideas Administrator

Glad to share with you the this have been addressed in APP 10.0.21 release. 



Mohamed Aamer

PM, Microsoft 



Even in the US we need to be able to reference the specific Invoice# on the journals.

Category: Asset Leasing


Yes I agree this should be editable for European accounting regulations. We need to be able to edit the journals for invoice number, invoice date, item sales tax groups. In general the journal should be fully editable

Category: Asset Leasing


Agree that only journal lines attribute should be editable like invoice number, invoice date, financial dimension etc.

Category: Asset Leasing


Yes I agree this should be editable for European accounting regulations.

Additionally, I feel all the journals it creates should be editable (i.e. depreciation postings, interest) as I have never seen another module not allow users to edit the journals before posting. For instance, if a lease is accounted for after the event there appears to be no way to amend the depreciation postings to the latest open period.

Category: Asset Leasing


Agree, I'm working with leasings from Spain and I'm stuck too because Invoices are not editable.

Category: Asset Leasing


I agree, journal entries should be able to be edited. We have accounts are booked to different department dimensions. Now I can only use the one default dimension and then do a manual JE to reclass later.

Category: Asset Leasing


In Lithuania we also need possibility to edit Invoice journal lines, especially fields: date, Invoice date, Invoice, Description, Item sales tax code. Without possibility to edit these fields, it is impossible to post correct invoice.

Category: Asset Leasing


Agree with this that the fields must be editable.

Category: Asset Leasing


The journal entry description needs to be editable in order to better match the journals to the lease payments made through our AP module. Having all entries with the same description is not useful at all.
Also, we don't have a conventional calendar fiscal month therefore we would need to change the journal posting date so that each month there is one payment/interest entry. Otherwise we end up with 2 payments or zero payments some months.

Category: Asset Leasing


In the UK we also need to input the invoice received date :)

Category: Asset Leasing