Hi, tax groups are very important and urgently needed!Moreover I would like to point that regular payment normally (in many countries) means receiving purchase invoice. In practice it means:a) tax transactionb) other costsc) invoice may concern many lease agreements and lease assetsd) invoice may come from internal workflow (with other tipical invoices)e) etc.Having all above in mind creating lease journal via payment schedule seems to be not sufficient. Please consider ability of posting leasing invoices through invoice journal, pending invoices etc. with ability of selecting lease agreement in the invoice line (similar to posting fixed assets) or at least lease journal should be editable as mentioned in idea: Asset Leasing - Add and Edit lines in asset leasing journalThanks
Category: Asset Leasing
It is really needed. Monthly payments/invoices are with VAT Thanks
Category: Asset Leasing
Agreed - this is an important requirement. Please implement to make the process more efficient. Thank you.
Category: Asset Leasing
Yes i too agree on this,
If a lease for a term of greater than 36 months i.e. long term or less than 36 months lease the lessor must collect all state and state-administered local Sales Tax/VAT from the lessee on all payments made pursuant to the lease. The lessor's acquisition of the property is considered a wholesale sale and is not subjected to sales or use tax.
Khandavilli B Anjaneyulu (Abhi)
D365 Finance Consultant
Wipro Limited.
Category: Asset Leasing
It is needed, it would help a lot !
Category: Asset Leasing
That's urgently needed.
Would be great if you could fix this.
Otherwise, we need to apply interesting workarounds.
Category: Asset Leasing
Administrator on 6/27/2024 2:32:03 PM
Mohamed Aamer, PM,